FINAL PART: Cool Music Peeps

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A/N: I am SOOOOO sorry for not being as active! I kinda forgot about this story and I have a lot of other stuff going on. I'll try to get more stories out on this story and my Stranger Things one as well. So enjoy!

So Mantis. She is played by French actress and model Pom Alexandra Klementief. She was born on May 3, 1986, and is currently 36 years old. 

"Wow, I am a

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"Wow, I am a... model...? What... is that?" Mantis said softly.

"A model is where you show off different brands or different fashions honey," said Pepper sweetly.

"Wow, you look good!" Quill said in awe.

"I'm actually kinda disappointed," Peter said sadly. "I thought you guy were actually aliens :("

Everyone looked at him confused-- but decided to go along with the strange child.

Pom has a net worth of about $4 million dollars. She is currently single but has been acting since she was 19, starring in many French movies and shows until she got a role in Oldboy, which launched her American acting career. More info can be found in your pamphlet.

"19? When I was 19 I was lying somewhere in a ditch unconscious," Steve said, frowning.

"I am... French?"

And finally, although an unofficial guardian, we have Ms.Nebula. Nebula is played by Scottish Sheila Gillan. She was born on November 29, 1987, and is currently 33 years old.

 She was born on November 29, 1987, and is currently 33 years old

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"Wow, Nebula you look... good!'' Said Gamora.

"Wow! You look different than the big blue meanie you are!!" Quill piped up. Gamora and Nebula shot him a dark glare.

"Does she have the same makeup as that Zoe actress?" Asked Bruce.

Yes. It took about 4 hours and 15 minutes to do. At first, Karen even shaved her head for the role!

 At first, Karen even shaved her head for the role!

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"Your really pretty!"

Although it was impossible for an alien robot to blush, somehow Nebula blushed. She had never heard this type of praise. She had always been overshadowed by her sister-- Gamora. Now, the spotlight was on her.

Karen has a net worth of $2 million and is currently single. She has appeared in the Jumanji movies as well. Make sure to check out other info in your pamphlet!

"Isn't Jumanji like... a really old video game?" Ned asked.

Peter looked up-- excited.

"Yep! And-" Peter lit up as he explained the game. The other Avengers looked at him confused and fondly as this cute kid went on and on. Although they didn't know why he was with the Avengers

As much as this is super cute, we gotta move on. Next, is Peter and the rest of the high schoolers.


I've been super busy with school, so yeah.

Also, that video I linked at this WandaVision episode destroyed me literally.

"I can't feel you."

"To grow old in. V"

"But what is grief, if not love persevering?"

Y'all every time I re-watch this, I sob.

Make sure to




and save!

Peace out,

WandaVision depressed author

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