The Cool Music Peeps Pt 2

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"Groot?" Asked Steve.

Rocket pointed a thumb towards Groot-- who watch bleeping away on Space Invaders.

"Him. Wood brain," Rocket said.

Groot stood up angrily. "I AM GROOT!" He boomed angrily.

So, anyways, Groot is played by Mark Sinclair(A/N: Oh my gods I did NOT realize this!) but he is professionally known as Vin Diesel.

So, anyways, Groot is played by Mark Sinclair(A/N: Oh my gods I did NOT realize this!) but he is professionally known as Vin Diesel

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"What the hell?!?" Said Rocket.

"He's played by a HUMAN?!?" Asked Quill.

"Well, no shit Sherlock," said Tony. "Not everyone is a tree or alien."

Quill stood up and faced Tony.

"Don't talk to me like that!" Growled Quill.

Tony stood up and lunged for him.

Happy and Pepper grabbed ahold of Tony and pulled him back. 

Gamora and Nebula grabbed for Quill.

ENOUGH!! Will you let me continue, or will I need to kill someone?

Tony and Quill went reluctantly back to their seats.

Fun fact, Vin Diesel is paid $54 million dollars for one line "I am Groot". Anyways, he was born July 18, 1967, and is currently 53 years old. He has a net worth is about $225 million. He is married to Paloma Jimenez and has three kids-- Hania, Vincent, and Pauline. As well as an actor he is a director and producer.

 As well as an actor he is a director and producer

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"Awwwww!" Cooed Betty.

Quil looked appraisingly at the happy-looking family.

So, I just made a pamphlet appear and if you want to learn more about the actors read it!

Everyone looked down at their lap where a thick pamphlet sat. 

Next up is Rocket!

Rocket looked around expectantly as if expecting a standing ovation.

"Party poopers," he grumbled.

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