Infinity War: Loki Death

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Now, I will be showing you clips of your future. Not the whole movie, but just important scenes that will give context to another thing you will react to.

Everyone tensed up and looked up at the screen. This could be anyone's future.

[Marvel Opening Credits]

[Radio transmission sound]

"Wait what is Marvel?" Asked Peggy.

Your movie company. Let's continue.

The Marvel Studios Logo plays as usual but this time, at the end of that logo, the background changes from red to black, and the I and O in "Studios" become 10 in red. The logo now reads "Marvel Stud10s". Throughout the logo, an Asgardian is reporting a distress signal.]

Asgardian PA: This is the Asgardian refugee vessel Statesman. We are under assault, I repeat, we are under assault - The engines are dead, life support failing. Requesting aid from any vessel within range. We are 22 jump points out of Asgard. [The voice becomes more desperate and pleading] Our crew is made up of Asgardian families, we have very few soldiers here. This is not a warcraft. I repeat, this is not a warcraft! [The ship is being hit by missiles.]

"ASGARD?!" Boomed Odin.

"Oh, gods..." Frigga whispered.

Thor winced. "I forgot to tell you mother... father... Asgard is no more."

Before it could register, The Director started the movie back up.

Inside the ship, Ebony Maw walks among the bodies of dead Asgardians. Heimdall, badly wounded, reaches out as if he would stop Maw as he passes, but lacks the strength. Maw steps over them with no mind as he speaks, as if they were scattered pieces of dirty clothing on a bedroom floor.]

Ebony Maw: Hear me, and rejoice. You have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Titan.... You may think this is suffering... no. It is salvation. Universal scales tip toward balance because of your sacrifice. Smile... [Corvus Glaive stabs one of the lingering Asgardians] for even in death, you have become Children of Thanos.

[Loki stands with the Black Order. He watches Thanos, shrouded in darkness and light, a vague silhouette.]

"Loki?! I-I thought you changed...?" Thor whimpered.


Frigga placed a hand on Thor's shoulder.

"How did this happen?" She asked gently.

Thor gulped. "Hela."

"Who?" Frigga turned to look at Odin who's face had turned white.

The rest of the room looked back and forth between them.

"The plot thickens..." Shuri called out mysteriously.

"My firstborn," Odin said ominously.

"OOOHH," Ned, Shuri, and Peter called out.

You can get the tea later...

Thanos: I know what it's like to lose.

Thanos: To feel so desperately that you're right...yet to fail, nonetheless.

[He lifts Thor by the neck of his breastplate, the latter struggling feebly.]

Thanos: It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly.

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