Chapter 1 - Timeline collapse pt.1

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I sighed. I have been watching them for quite some time now. I was glad to say the least, but honestly, I'm worried. I feel as though something is wrong. Something wrong with the timeline. I wasn't too sure as I am not Time Steve or Elemental Steve. So I wouldn't know for sure. Sorta.

Now that I thought about it, I began to notice a lot of Stranger things. Each time I mention Sabre and Lucas to the others, they never look as though they remember or know who I am talking about.

Except Blue Steve, my best friend and considered to be my older brother. Maybe. Yellow Steve also formerly known as Nightmare Steve, we just call him Nightmare Steve still cause it's easier, Red Steve, Green Steve, Purple Steve, which I like calling Pumpkin head. Cause yes. Elemental Steve, Hypno Steve and Origin Steve. But like them, they had told me that they noticed odd things. I haven't talked to the Guardian yet, but I can tell he's getting concerned. The others had told that they were told by the Guardian that even he found it strange that no one remembered or knew Sabre.

When we all have been watching him back then.

It felt...


I'm not sure what's happening anymore...


I sighed, I was starting to wonder what's happening, so I went off to find Rainbow Steve, by the time I found him, he was pacing back and forth with a thoughtful look. I cleared my throat, getting Rainbow Steve startled out of his thoughts as he looked at me. "Is there something you needed Origin Steve?" He asked me, I nodded. There is something I needed to talk to him about.

"Yeah. I just wanted to talk to you more about this...Strange predicament. It's been a year or so since Sabre had left the Steve realm. However...I began to notice something recently. In the Timelines specifically though." I told him, he looked at me confused. I'm starting to wish Time Steve is here, but unfortunately, he's slumbering as he had no choice, but to be reabsorbed into Galaxy Steve.

It was sad to say the least.

Shaking my head, I looked at Rainbow Steve seriously, and said Steve looked unsure. "To be honest...I was thinking something similar, most of the Steves here don't seem to remember Sabre when I mentioned him to them, it was as if Sabre never existed." Rainbow Steve told me, I felt a bit of shiver went up my spine. That wasn't good, at all. "Rainbow Steve, you don't think something is erasing memories of him, right?" I asked, He shrugged, he was unsure himself if it's true or not.

Now that I thought of it, I never did look at Rainbow Steve's new look, well, we all did, but I never properly saw Rainbow Steve's new look.

Rainbow hair was longer and tied into a small ponytail over his shoulder, it's tied by a simple lime green ribbon, something he got from Sabre, from what I heard, amber orange eyes and peachy skin. A white silky cotton jacket with rainbow outlines and diagonals, cotton blue shirt, S.S written on the front of his jacket in the color of a rainbow. Pale bluish purple trousers, white with dark grey sole boots, a rainbow colored Scarf wrapped around his neck. He had a halo with a single star on his head and pure silky white angelic wings.

As for me? Well, I have Dark brown faded to a lighter brown, Pure blue eyes, pale skin, Blue cotton shirt, dark purplish blue jacket with white outline, 2 white straps on the sleeve near the wrist. Dark grey trousers, white and brown below the knee high traveler boots. A orb shaped Sapphire necklace. Of course he has a halo and angelic white wings with the tips being an icy pure blue.

"Origin Steve, is it just me or do you have this strange sense of feeling that something's gonna happen?" Rainbow Steve asked, I shrugged, then paused. Now I thought about it, I've been paranoid for the last few days. "Actually, now that I think about it, I think so. I mean, I've been paranoid for awhile and it's starting to make me worried about everything around me." I answered, unsure with what's going on.

Rainbow Steve was about to say something, until Guardian flew over to them in a rush.

The Guardian had pure white wings, a halo on his head. Normally he wore a Dark block with some white, but he wore something different instead. Raven with white highlight hair, slightly tan skin, crimson red eyes, a scar over his right eye, which is somewhat covered by his hair. A slightly dark grey hoodie with a black hoodie with white outline. Light grey trousers and black boots. He looks to be in a rush.

"Guys! You need to see something, a sudden tear appears out of nowhere and it's not normal, in fact, it seems to be corrupting the area around it!" Guardian told us in a rush, me and Rainbow Steve looked at each other at alarm and quickly followed after Guardian to the tear.


By the Time Guardian, Rainbow Steve and Origin Steve got to the area the tear had formed, Origin Steve and Rainbow Steve gasped in shock. There was in fact a tear, but it was fairly small. Of course, never judged its size as it was glitching greatly and the surrounding area around the Tear was too glitching and very broken. Showing binary codings. The prime form of the world to say the least.

"It wasn't there before, it just appeared out of thin air. Granted, I'm worried, it's giving off a very dangerous aura." Guardian commented, not daring to go near any further. Origin Steve hums a little, trying to figure out what the binary code means. Since, he knows how to read them in some sense.

Rainbow stares at the tear. Unsure what to think.

"Zlib bob, Oxfkylt Pqbsb."

Rainbow Steve backed up slightly, startled to hear a sudden voice, he looked around wondering if Origin Steve and Guardian had heard, but unfortunately, they were talking to one another about the tear. Rainbow Steve shaked his head, thinking it wasn't anything. 'What was that voice?' Rainbow Steve thought.

"Dl ql qeb qbxo. Oxfkylt Pqbsb." The Voice called again, Rainbow Steve looks at the Tear. For some reason it was calling out to him, he walked closer to the tear. Not noticing how the corrupted ground seems to have turned normal as he walked closer. Or his two friends calling out to him. As Rainbow Steve got just close enough to the tear, he reached out for it.

Feeling a slight surge of energy, Rainbow Steve ignored it and put his hand into the tear. He then felt something and held onto it. "Lrii qeb rq." He did as the voice had told him, ignoring the pain he felt on his hand and pulled out something. Which made him fall on his rear, the tear vanished along with the glitching. Rainbow Steve groans, wasn't expecting that, until he heard his two friends.

"What the heck?" Rainbow Steve?" Origin Steve and Guardian said at the same time, staring at Rainbow Steve, who seems confused.

Then felt pain on his hand again, he looked at it and saw a symbol, specifically the Symbol of the , on the top is a Brine, the bottom right, a player and an entity on the bottom left. However, on the center is a steve. The whole symbol was colored Rainbow. Just like Rainbow Steve himself. Then he felt something move on his lap, he looked and covered his mouth in shock.

There was an injured Chicken laying weakly on his lap.


Hahahahahaha! After a whole week, it's done! Anywho, have fun with the cliffhanger, Theories and ideas are always welcomed!

I will draw the symbol when I have the time, to help you readers have a better visualization on what it should look like. As the Symbol will be extremely important in this story, Don't worry too much about the little chicken though. ;)

Anyways, I'll try to get these chapters worked on, as well as all the Steves that will appear in this story appearance designs finished, although, just so y'all aware, I will hide many hidden codes in the story, so good luck decoding them. :3

That's all for this author note, see ya in the next chapter!

Words Count:



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