Chapter 9 - Trapped??

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I sighed as I look through my inventory, making sure I had everything I needed before I go off to look for my friend to tell them to prepare for the travels we have up ahead. Although, I do wonder, if the others are worried about me? I've been gone for so long, I'm not even sure how long it's been. Time in minecraft goes by faster than earth time.

Which makes it all the more complicated to understand the measure of time here.

Which sucks. By a long shot.

Anyways, I also made sure I had my journal, just to be safe since every day, I would try to at least document as much as I could seeing as I'm stuck here for quite a long time now. Which is a understatement. Not sure how I'm able to write in a book now...

Good thing I'm still able to write in books with infinite pages, would have been bad to lose them when I ran out of pages really. Especially since I write a lot of important things and um, my own thoughts about everything.


I can be sad at times.

I'm Lonely. :')


I was tending to my crops, making sure they're all fine for when it's time to be harvested. However, I can't help but wonder, how did he get here? Last he had known, he was destroyed in the Steve Saga, yet, he's here in some ways. Did something happened in a world of Fan- I mean, world.


I feel awkward now.


I blame some people for this.


Maybe I should have sleep like the stream chat AND my discord had told me to. ;-;


By the time I finished everything, I head back to the village I basically recreated and such, gone to my house and put everything i had gathered away. Once I was done doing that, I went up to the spare guest room to check on a certain someone I had found quite earlier today. Once I entered the room, I look at the bed that holds the person.

The young looks to be in his late twenties, with dark dirty blonde hair, with black highlights, however there was some part of the hair that was just the same shade of black. Fair, yet tan skin, some faint scars here and there, one noticeable would be around his neck. 

Wonder what caused that scar to be there?

Oh and he also wore a dark orange-ish gold tunic with black trouser. Although, that's mostly covered by the blanket I had put on hi, 

Still though. 

He reminds me of Nightmare Steve, but as a normal human. 


This is no ordinary world, now is it? ;)

Anyways, I was about to leave the room, until I heard a sound. Confused, I turned around, only to be surprised to see that the young man was awake. His crimson red eyes seems to held a bit of recognition. 

Well great. He remembers me. :'D 

"Yo, wassup Nightmare." I said with just a simple smile. 



I groan as I just hit my head against the tree, my friend told me not to otherwise I would have gotten a concussion by then. I didn't care. I feel stupid honestly. As in. Really stupid.  How had I not noticed this before? 

So many questions runs through my mind. How the hell am I supposed to deal with this now? My friend suggest we lay low for awhile and try to figure out what is going on. I couldn't have agreed more. Well, I might as well go off and gathered resources, we're running quite low on them actually. 

After I told my friend what I would be doing, they gave me the go ahead, with that, I went into the forest.


After awhile, I had collected enough supplies for me and my friend. I decided to head on back to the small camp we have. However, on my way back, I noticed, something pretty odd. 

It. Was. A. Chicken. 


I want the chicken. 


Hold up- 


Without a second thought, I quietly, yet, hastily went after them. After quite a bit, they arrived in a clearing, however...

I saw some familiar looking people..

Is that...

Rainbow Steve, Origin Steve and God Steve? 

How did they get into this world? 

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