Chapter 3 - Timeline Collapse Pt. 2

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Sabre watched the kingdom from his place on the tower, he had been looking for Flub for the past few months. Ever since his sudden disappearance, things began to change. Not in a good way. He found that the Tear does something to the world. He didn't like it, in fact, he knows it's beyond anything he can think of. Beyond his time era.

Shaking his head, Sabre stood up and made his way to ground level and went back to searching for Flub. He needs to find him, unlike Colleen, Flub was with him ever since his journey to the new world. It is wrong not to say he missed the guy, even though he had been a jerk to him. By the time he got to ground level, he went into the shadows and continued his search for Flub.


After a few hours had passed by, Sabre decided to finally search Flub house, he knows the location of it as Flub had once brought him there when they needed to lay low for a while with what's been going on. Once Sabre arrived at the House, he smiled a little, he missed Flub after all. Unlocking the door with the key he kept, he was not expecting to find the place completely trashed, as if as though a fight had happened.

Concerned, he searched around, until he found a letter addressed to him. He picked it up and read it.

"Dear Sabre,

If you're reading this, then I'm guessing you realized I have been missing for quite awhile now, I'm not sure when you will find this book, but now, what happened will happen to me is a complete mystery, I have a strange feeling something will happen. All I hope for is that you don't, I repeat, DON'T trust anyone right now. Again, I don't know why, but I think there may possibly be a war across the Multiverse, I am not too sure yet.

However, things won't be the same soon, I think. I don't know anymore honestly, I just know by the feelings I get.

Although, there's one more thing I have to say, DON'T Trust-"

*The rest of the letter was torn to shreds*


Sabre was silent, he dropped the letter and immediately leave, he went straight to his base, gathered everything he needed and leave, he went to everyone he knows and kept close ties with and tell them all that he finally found a lead on Flub locations, but his friends didn't want him to go alone. Sabre shakes his head and tells them that the letter he found was addressed only to him, oddly enough.

Hesitant, they agreed and allowed Sabre to go on his way, he thanked them and said that he would bring back Flub.


Sabre wasn't ready for them to tease him for liking Flub to the point he would do anything to find him, of course, Sabre left the building with a beet red face. :)


After some time, Sabre kept searching until he found a tear once again, he was about to leave it alone...until he heard a voice.

"Dl ql qeb qbxo."

Not sure why, Sabre went closer to the tear, noticing how the glitching affected and such was turning to normal, he stepped closer to the tear cautiously.

"Bkqbo qeb qbxo, Xppxppfk Pxyob."

Not sure why, but Sabre entered the tear, just as lightning struck haphazardly around the tear and it vanished. The area where the tear once resided, looks as though nothing had happened.


Sabre woke up, he looked around and found himself in a white area, confused, he stood up, then realized he was wearing a completely different set of clothes.

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