Chapter 5 - Scattered across realms

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Purple Steve and Guardian try to figure out how they're gonna get the others back, while they were talking, Light Steve quickly ran to them in a rush. "Guys! Those tears you guys mentioned has been causing the Spirit Realm to be unstable!" Light Quickly tells them in a bit of a panic, that sets off red flags for them all. In a panic and haste, Guardian immediately went to get everyone out while Purple Steve created portals.

Light Steve went off to help with the evacuations of the Spirit Realm.

After getting most of everyone out of the spirit realm, said place started to shake violently, getting the remaining spirits, Light Steve, Purple Steve and Guardian to their knees. Once the Shaking ceased, they continued to get the rest of the Spirits out of the realm. Once it is done, all that remains is half destroyed spirit realm and only Light Steve, Guardian, Purple Steve, Elemental Steve and Nightmare Steve remain.

"I think that's everyone." Nightmare Steve said, looking at the others. "Yeah, seems like it, but we should get going, or else we'll be stuck." He then said, Guardian nodded, he was about to say something until the Portal glitched very badly and shut out of existence, getting the others to backed up in shock. "Did the portal just go adios?" Elemental Steve questioned, the others just gave him a 'Are you seriously asking that?' look.

Elemental Steve just shrugged.

Without much time to react, a portal just opened up and basically dragged them all into the said Portal.


"Vr, lw vhhpv dv wkrxjk wkh jdph kdg ehjxq. Dp L fruuhfw? Udlqerz Vwhyh. Hlwkhu zdb, vhfuhwv dqg vhfuhwv zloo eh uhyhdohg, brxu pdun dfurvv wkh pxowlyhuvh zloo eh xqfryhuhg. Wkh Jurxs fkdw brx dqg Vdjd Txdqwxp kdyh fuhdwhg zloo eh ghvwurbhg. Krz orqj glg brx wklqn brx frxog kdyh nhsw lw doo klgghq?"


Rainbow Steve, Origin Steve, Saito and God Steve fell out of a portal and landed in a lake. They all got out and swam to land, once they all were sure they're no longer wet from the water, they looked around. To find that they're in a forest. "Well, we're stuck somewhere we all don't know." Origin Steve commented, Rainbow Steve glared at him and he shut up.

"I know that Origin Steve, no need to point out the obvious." Rainbow Steve said with a slight tone of irritation, Origin Steve just smiled and shrugged. While God Steve just sighed, seems like he would have to ensure that Origin Steve and Rainbow Steve doesn't get into too many fights. He then looks at Saito, who's looking for some seeds to eat. God Steve picked up Saito and gave him some seeds he had earlier. Of course, Saito happily eats the seeds. While Rainbow Steve hums a little, looking around.

Then noticed something really odd.

"Hey guys, is it me more do you guys noticed that this realm is full of magic?" Rainbow Steve wondered, getting Origin Steve and God Steve to stare at him, confused. "Oh and that Al'Crowe is missing." He added in.

They all stood in silence for a moment, until...



Somewhere far away from the main group...

Al'Crowe fell out of the sky and landed on something. Confused and disoriented, he sat up, then realized he landed in a dragon nest. Al'Crowe was faced to face with a silver scaled dragon with ice blue eyes. He gulped in fear. 'WHERE THE HELL IS THE OTHERS?' He internally thought, scared to remotely move, or less he angered the dragon.

"What are you doing here mortal?" The Dragon asked, looking at Al'Crowe curiously, said person gulped and answered. "I'm not exactly sure, uhh, you see, I kinda fell out of a portal. In the sky no less."

The Dragon hums for a little bit, then stood up, making Al'Crowe quiver in utter fear, yeah for a assassin like him, he fears the unexpected. The Dragon then looks at Al'Crowe. "Tell me Mortal, what is your name?" They asked, gaining a bit of courage, he answered. "I'm Sabre Al'Crowe, however, I'm often refer to as Al'Crowe as there is many timelines and realms with other's having similar names and appearance as me." Al'Crowe answered, without a hint of fear shown in his tone.

The Dragon nodded in understanding and went closer to him. "I am Salleria Valven, The Queen of all Silver scale Dragon."

Al'Crowe blinked for a moment, taking in the information, then fell back in shocked. "WHAT?"


God Steve and Saito stared at a panicked Rainbow Steve and Origin Steve, trying to find Al'Crowe. "How long do you think they will realized that they can't find him?" God Steve asked, Saito just shrugged and kept on watching. Eventually, Rainbow Steve and Origin Steve calmed down and walked over to God Steve and Saito. "So, we calmed down and realized we can't find Al'Crowe if we're dummies, but I literally got no idea what to do at the moment." Rainbow Steve admitted, Origin Steve nodded in agreement to what Rainbow Steve had said.

God Steve sighed.

"First off, we all need to make up our own code names to make sure we aren't founded, just in case people suspect we're from the Steves Myth, assuming it is or something. Second, we need new clothes, because honestly, we need something to fit in after all and finally, we need equipment and supplies." God Steve calmly told them, they both nodded. "I Can make the clothes, Origin could make or gather supplies. God Steve, make our equipment." Rainbow said, they all nodded and went right to doing what they needed to do.

Rainbow Steve instead kneels in front of Saito and pets his head, then feeds him some seeds. "Alright Saito, want to go explore or stay with me as I work on clothes, which one?" He asked, Saito held a thought looking, then looked at the forest. Rainbow Steve smiled and patted his head again. "Go ahead, but make sure you come back by Sun down, okay?" He said, Saito chirped and ran off to the forest to explore.

Rainbow Steve smiled softly and went to work on making clothes for them all.


"What the heck is going on in the FMS Multiverse?" A young man, who seems to look like they're eighteen, but clearly older, wondered. Then smiled mysteriously. 


ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।
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