A Sick Lyra Stone

Start from the beginning

He opened peaking inside. There seemed to be a couple of letters and a few wrapped gifts. "what's this?"

"They came for Lyra yesterday while you were out, but Walter and I kept forgetting to give them to her. Could you give her the bag when she's feeling up to it?"

"Of course!"

"Alright then." Amelia sighed slipping on her coat. "I'm off. Call me if you need anything or if she gets worse."

After Amelia had left, Geroge scooped up all the things she had gathered for Lyra and headed back upstairs. He came back down grabbing a bowl and filling it with water. Then headed back upstairs to her room.

George pulled Lyra's desk chair to the side of her bed and placed the bowl on her nightstand by her lamp. Dunking the clothe in it and wringing it out. Lyra flipped over, opening her eyes and glaring at him.

He smiled, "Your awake, good you can sit up and take some medicine."

"George," She said her voice still raspy, "You need to leave." 

He leaned over placing the cloth on her forehead. "No can do Love."

"George I'm sick and so gross right now please just leave."

"Relax, even when your blowing snot bubbles I still think you're cute." 

She cringed away from him appalled. "Please stop."

He chuckled. Grabbing the meds her mother had given him. "I need you to sit up and take some of this stuff." 

"Go away and I will."

"Refuse to take it and I'll climb back in bed with you." 

"You're going to get sick!" she rasped

"Don't care," he said matter of factly. 

Groaning and frustrated Lyra sat up. "Give me the bloody bottle." 

He handed it to her. "That's my girl!" 

Glaring, she took the bottle and measured out the dose she needed to take into the cap. Then plugging her nose, she tilted her head back and drank it. Shivering as it slopped down her throat. "That stuff's disgusting."

He rubbed her back gently. "But it'll make you feel better."

She leaned into his touch, not being able to help herself. "yeah, I know... So are you just going to sit by my bedside while I sleep?"

He shrugged. "Probably."

"Won't you get bored?" 

"Nah." He lifted the medium size bag Amelia had given him into his lap. "I've got all these to read."

Lyra sat up a bit, wincing as the cloth on her head slipped. She secured it back to her forehead. "What's that?"

"Just a bunch of letters and things that came in the post for you yesterday."

"Then why are you reading them?" Lyra said narrowing her eyes.

"Because you're too sick to read them yourself, or stop me."

Lyra laid back down. "Won't reading all the love letters I get upset you?"

George gaped "Love letters? Who's sending you love letters?" His panic was immediate.

She laughed and then winced from the pain it caused in her head. "Gotcha." She rasped. 

"That Lyra Stone was not very nice."

"George who on earth would be sending me love letters beside you?"

"Any lad who's had a good look at ya and knows how to hold a pen."

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