Chapter 18

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Jane Clair

Bruce was helping me out Alfred wasn't behind Bruce said he'd be arriving soon. Out the nowhere, I feel a rush of adrenaline inside of me I feel anger. I let go of Bruce is held holding my side that still has a little sting.

"Jane where are you going," Bruce asked

"I need to find Jeremiah that crazy blonde could be my only way to finding him," I say

"You can't" but I stopped taking out cuffs and locking them down on him.

"I'm sorry but I have to" I ran hugging my side even with Bruce is endless shouts for me.

After running and walking and confusing myself I found the place. I knew in my condition I couldn't just walk in so I looked around there was a stripped oversized jumpsuit with a mask so dressed into it placing the mask on and a pocket knife right in my hand as the sleeves also covered my hand.

"AND WHAT DO WE DO" I cut him off right there walking up to him and stabbing the knife right into his stomach.

"You dig a little bit deeper" I slowly take the mask off

"I must say Jane-" he was going to say but I stabbed him once again and again and again and as another was going to go in.

"JANE STOP" Bruce held me taking the knife into his hands I tried to escape his grip but it was useless "Just stop... We have to get out of here". Jeremiah was on the floor hugging himself and then someone came to him a shot fired it came from Alfred and one man in a mask came towards me I three him off. And Alfred threw something that let out smoke and both Alfred and Bruce held onto me leading me out.

The evening of 3 days Later \ Jane Clair

It has been 3 days and I've had nothing but being at home and I was even excused from school. Most of the time I climbed up to the rooftop and just thought about how I could've killed Jeremiah thinking about what went over me to kill him. Jerome knew I couldn't kill sometimes I even thought if I was me if I was Jane Clair or if what Katie said would happen is more than was expected.

"Jane" I looked behind it was Dad he knew about this place and so did mom and Aunt Lucy before them somehow. I didn't respond I just looked at him.

"Your quiet you seem so distant I don't want you to end up depressed honey I think you need to get out a little you've been at home and have been out in three days this is the only place you come" Dad responds "I want you to go to the Wayne mansion I want you to go to Bruce,"

"Why," I ask "I thought you where ag-"

"Sometimes you have to accept the obvious even if it hurts" dad respond

"What about mom," I ask "won't she be mad"

"Give her some time trust me she'll be back to normal she only got mad at you because she was scared she was worried" dad responds I hug my dad and he lets me go

"Thank you, Dad," I said rushing down the ladder of the apartment to go to the Wayne mansion when reached the steps that lead to my window I felt a rush of wind on me. "There's never anything good happening with Bruce and Alfred especially if I'm there" I go in and dress into my move around black outfit with the things I needed in a satchel.

15 minutes Later

"I knew nothing good was going on," I said to myself it had gotten darker faster and I knew something was wrong on my way traveling on my motorbike I pass by an alley where I hear the voice of Jeremiah. I stop there getting off and walking into the darkness of the shadows I saw Officer Gordon, Lee, Jeremiah, and Bruce. "I must be cursed to danger"

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