Chapter 1

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Years Later

Year's have gone by sense Jane had last seen Bruce Wayne. A newly sprung 16 year old, a young lady, kind, mature to the point she'd mostly grown out of any tomboy attributes she used to pertain. Even her hair had taken a turn the once fiery redhead was now a brunette. And although she had seemed like she had changed a great deal Gotham City and Bruce Wayne still lived in her mind and heart.
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"JANE!" called my mother, I walked out of my room quickly walking into the living room.

"Yes mom," I asked

"Jane your Aunt Lucy said her school is offering scholarships for the university of your pick you obviously must qualify in certain Math, History and Science," she said "nothing I don't think you couldn't handle" with a slight smirk at the end of her sentence

"Could I go?" I asked, her smirk turning into a grin

"Your father and I talked it over last night we had a conference 3 days ago with your principal she's given you a permit as long as you continue your schooling and pass all your classes there," she said

"This is in Gotham" I say to myself "How long do I have in Gotham?," I asked

"The examinations last 4 months but to get you to the certain levels it will be almost the whole other part of the school year" she said a little sad "we'll go in the last month you think you could be with your aunt Lucy for the remaining," she asked I looked down

"It's Bruce isn't it," she walked over to me and hugged me "I'm sure he still remembers you and if he doesn't don't let that stop you if you ever need to talk to me, anything girl, while you're in Gotham call me, please I will be calling you very often honey so answer the phone when it says MOM" she hugged me "Pack up once your father gets from work you need to be ready"

"Thank you," I said before I ran to my room and packing my things.

Reaching the tiny container of jewelry I had my fingers stopped at the touch of a cold chain, thin and very delicate. I lifted it looking at the gold necklace and gently brushed my hand over it. My fingers stopped on the tiny diamond. The Wayne family had given it to me for my birthday when I was 7, my parents where not exactly for me having such expensive jewelry but he Waynes insisted so there was no, no. I smiled at the memory putting it on and hiding it under my shirt going back to packing my things.

3 Hours Later

I was in the car, my parents were currently driving me to the train station where Aunt Lucy was apparently waiting. The ride was mostly quiet my parents giving my an alibi of expectations (behavior, maturity, care etc...) don't talk to strangers, always try to stay close to aunt Lucy, call us if you need us, don't get into trouble, have fun, do your best etc...etc.

We arrive at the train station for a while searching for Aunt Lucy and then I saw her bright red hair in a high bun with a bright green scarf and of course, her hands waving in the air. If there was somebody you cannot miss it's was her, that was my Aunt Lucy.

"MARILYN, LANDON, JANE OVER HERE!" She shouted the three of us walk over to her.

"Oh how lovely it is to see you again," she said hugging my mom, her sister

"It's good to see you to Lucy" she shook dads hand looking around

"Well, where's Jane" I walked from behind my dad. Aunt Lucy smiled real asking my mom from the dangerously tight hug.

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