Chapter 9

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Bruce Wayne

Last night after the argument I had with Jane and losing her in the day I went out to the docks where I watched a thief tried to steal the products even though I tried to avoid it the guards caught me although I did escape with Alfred beating them up the thief took it as an opportunity to escape. Alfred and I investigated and did research finding it was a knife but not just any dumb old knife it was used to embalm king Balashi ruler of Mesopotamia in the first century and what a surprise it was a black market team to be an ad auction this night.

"We have a knife to get at a black-market auction and then we have" I couldn't stand it I put my hand on my face.

"Master Bruce I think we should keep in mind that black market auction," Alfred said trying to change the topic.

"Your right" I respond

Jane Clair

While Aunt Lucy spent 3 hours trying to make sense of what came first the chicken or the egg in her room researching with countless webs and books so I went to the "Wayne mansion" she said it was alright but it was obvious I was going to the Wayne Mansion for myself I ran to the training center with Kaite but when I arrived it said closed I tried to open the door and it was locked I knocked the door but nobody came I looked down and saw a note folded up to where it couldn't any more like an abandoned piece of trash. I picked it up and opening and read the cursive of the letters.

Dear Student

I can't train you today I had complications and I needed to meet with a few friends of mine so just practice what you've learned I'll be back tomorrow I'll look for you OKAY and also try not to do your vigilant thing today you can't risk it if you do I want it to be quick but kike I said ill be unavailable for today, please behave.

You dearly loved Trainer Katie Kane.

I sighed.

"Well I won't have to worry about Bruce today" is said as I walked someone ran behind me I looked back and the person stopped there was only one woman behind me she smiled walking towards me outreaching her hand with a smile

"Hi I'm Selina Kyle," the woman said

"Hi" I smiled

"So never seen you around you new to Gotham," she asked

"I've been here for only a month and weeks" I respond she smiles

"Wow you're newer than I thought um"

"Jane Clair" I respond

"Yes yes well bye" Selina left just walking away and I just stood there I didn't even know her I sighed and walked back home planning no night watching today.

Bruce Waye

"Master Bruce you must assume other rules a rule you where born to play a role of privilege person somewhat" he kept going "a pathetic teenager with bigger pockets"

I got what he was saying "you mean a spoiled brat"

"It goods against everything your beautiful parents tired to avoid you to become" he finished "but yes"

"Wow Bruce Wayne Billionaire Brat," I said to myself

Later that night at the auction.

"250000 going once...going twice...going once... Sold to Bruce Wayne" the auction man said

"YESS I love art I love it I'm going to put it in my bathroom," I said

"Steady master Bruce doesn't want to overplay the role," Alfred says "And let's try to exercise that financial part even though I know you are the richest man may I just suggest you not buy everything"

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