December dares (9)

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Werner: *takes out a dare from the dare bowl* be a dog?
Rumour: I guess that's the dare. You up for it.
Werner: you know vhat I am *gets on all fours*
Rumour: hold on
Werner: vhat?
Rumour: well the dare did say "be a dog" not "act like a dog" so *takes out her wand* let me help you with this *magics a spell and shoots Werner*
Werner: *turns into a non-anthropomorphic dachshund* ruff ruff arf
Rumour: there we go
Werner: *jumps up and down annoyed* arf arf arf woof woof ruff
Rumour: *smirks and picks him up* sorry honey but I felt this would be appropriate for the dare
Werner: rrrrrrrr
Rumour: hmmm wanna go for a walk
Werner: *tail wags* ruff
Rumour: okay *puts him down* let's go *magics a pink leash and collar and puts it on Werner*
Werner: grrrr
Rumour: it's just for the walk Werner. now I got to get ready *changes out her heels and into some black boots because it's cold outside she also puts on a purple coat* and of course *puts on her mask* time to go *opens the door and walks out*
Werner: *follows her*

At a park

Rumour: you know today's a nice day don't ya think
Werner: arf
Rumour: considering the fact that we are still trapped in this stupid COVID-19-*spots a wolf guy* oh my god
Werner: woof?
Rumour: *points at the wolf* it's that guy who was in my art class
Werner: ruff ruff *growls*
Rumour: okay let's just attempt to avoid him *goes in the opposite direction*
The wolf: *spots the two of them* heeeeey *runs over to them*
Rumour: too late
The wolf: long time no see bee girl. Still as hot as ever looks like you've got your self a pet too
Rumour: *sighs* what do you want Davis
Davis: I was just checking out the ladies at this here park when suddenly I saw my favourite bee behind *wraps his arm around Rumours waist* and I thought I might see how you are babe
Rumour: I'm not your babe. now get your arm of me
Davis: ah come on girl *turns her towards him* how about we go to my place when this covid things done maybe you bring that seafood snack Cala Maria
Werner: *growls and bites Davis on the leg*
Davis: *lets go of Rumour* owwwww *glares at Werner* you dumb mutt! *goes to hit him*
Rumour: *smacks Davis in the face* I don't think so *picks up Werner and holds him close to her*
Davis: *on the ground holding his face* owww owwwww what was that for?
Rumour: what was that for? WHAT WAS THAT FOR?! You just sexually harassed me and tried to hit my dog so that's what that was for you disgusting perverted wolf. Now I'm calling in my cops *takes out her phone and calls them* hello get here now and arrest this creep
Werner: *staring daggers at Davis*
Police bees: *comes and put Davis in handcuffs* glad we could help your highness
Rumour: so I'm i
Davis: let go of me
Rumour: take him away boys
Police bees and Davis: *drive off to jail*
Rumour: there now that that's settled *looks at Werner and smiles* come on let's go home *flys home while holding Werner using her bee wings*

Back home

Rumour: *takes off coat and mask * I can't believe we ran into the school creep at the park
Werner: woof woof
Rumour: at least he's in jail now
Werner: arf
Rumour: well come on Werner let's get you back to your self
Werner: arf arf
Rumour: *takes out her wand and casts a spell*
Werner: *turns back to normal but still has the leash and collar on because it has grown with him* ja I'm my old self again. Now how do I get this off *tries and fails to get the leash and collar off him*
Rumour: hold on let me help you out there honey *she tries to get it off but it really is on tight* this sure is stubborn
Werner: do I have to where zhis forever?
Rumour: no you don't here let me just *stands one leg on his back while trying to pull it off*
Werner: *blushes*
Cala: *knocks on the door then just opens it* hey I heard about the par-*sees them in there position* ohhh
Both rumour and Werner: *turn to her*
Rumour: *realises what does might look like and blushes* what you think is going on is not on
Cala: *leaves closing the door behind her*
Werner: ve explain later

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