First chapter in 2021

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(Quick an: hey sorry I haven't updated in a while I will try to be more efficient with my updating anyway I'm here now so enjoy bye)
Werner: yo Rumour!
Rumour: what?
Werner: ve got a question und it involves zhe baby
Rumour: really? What about the baby?
Werner: from our dear friend DebbieJones305 it zays if ve know zhe gender. Do you vant to answer or zhould I?
Rumour: I would like to give the answer considering the fact that I'm the one carrying it inside me
Werner: fair enough
Rumour: so okay to answer the question no we do not know the gender nor do we want to. the reason being that we want it to be a surprise but that does not mean we will not having an ultrasound to see if there really is only one child inside me and to see if everything is alright of course. I hope that was the answer you were looking for
Werner: wow. zhat vas a lot of vords you used to describe it
Rumour: yeah I guess I like to go into detail when describing things sometimes. And now if you excuse me I have to go pee *gets up and goes to the bathroom*
Werner: just casually zays zhat out loud

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