Ideal date

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Beppi: from Debbie Jones305
Werner: BEPPI
Rumour: how did you get here ?
Beppi: that is for me to know and for you to not know
Werner: ok?
Rumour: what's the question?
Beppi: even though you guys are dating
Werner: go on
Beppi: they want to know who would your ideal date be
Rumour: what but me and Werner are a thing
Werner: yeah vhat zhe heck
Beppi: still got to answer
Rumour: fine
Werner: mine ideal date volud Be my girlfriend rumour
Rumour: mine would be you too but I think they wanted a different answer
Werner: yeah probably maybe we could do who we vanted to date as a child
Rumour: yeah we could
Beppi: this will be exciting
Rumour: Who I wanted to date as a kid was Luigi from the Mario series
Werner: und I vanted to date Fiona from Shrek
Beppi and rumour: (look at Werner)
Werner: vhat I thought she vas cute
Beppi: i'm out ( leaves )
Rumour: I - you know what I don't judge you
Werner:you don't?
Rumour: no because as a kid I also used to have a crush on Carrottop
Werner: ( giggles) shis is vhy I love you
Rumour: and I love you next question

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