"Where is your group?"

Jimin remained silent at the question, still failing to make eye contact with Yoongi. Yoongi walked past Jimin dragging a chair at the back of the class and sat comfortably.

"Does the silence mean that they skipped their responsibility threatening you to shut up?"

Jimin flinched. How did he know? Even if he didn't say it out loud, Yoongi could read his expressions as someone who has to deal with various students every day.

"I know because that's what many bastards do with innocents. Not only that, your puffy cheek tells everything about you"

Jimin's hand went to his swollen cheek and winced when it ached because of the hard slap earning warm tears in his eye sockets.

"Yeah he slaps me every time I protest," Jimin whispered.

"Why don't you report?"

"I don't like it hyung, they'll bully me more after if I do. Bullies are bullies. I don't want to make a scene and I believe that they'll regret it somehow..."

Yoongi smirked, standing and stepped towards Jimin unbuttoning his blazer. He grabbed Jimin's apron from the younger's hand and wore it while Jimin watched the head boy in surprise. Yoongi snatched the sweeper from Jimin's hand and started sweeping.

"Hyung, what are you doing?"

"Helping you, so don't watch me standing there. I know that I'm handsome. Take the dustpan and bin here."

Jimin shrugged and did as Yoongi said. They worked silently and at the end both collapsed on chairs under the twirling fan.

"Imagine if you have to do this all alone, I'm exhausted" Yoongi said.

"I've done it several times hyung."

"This makes me feel bad, Jimin."

"Why?" Jimin asked but didn't get any reply because the bell rang.

"I have math," Yoongi said and left.

Jimin watched the head boy leaving with a small smile forgetting to thank the elder. When Jimin was about to leave the art room he saw something wrong.

"Oh my god!" Jimin gasped and ran outside looking for Yoongi.


Yoongi was already late to class. It didn't matter because he had a duty and his math teacher Mr. Kim wasn't that troublesome. Yoongi slid the classroom slowly and bowed.

"Sorry Mr. Kim, I'm late," he said knowing that Mr. Kim would accept his apology. But today it didn't seem alright. Mr. Kim looked at Yoongi with an amused expression through his glasses. His classmates moved to look at him too and the result was the same.

That's how Yoongi looked downwards checking himself realizing that he forgot his blazer in the art room. How did he lose his mind? Instead of the blazer, he was wearing Jimin's apron which has Jimin's name across it.

That's why he felt Jimin's scent all over him...

That scent made him dizzy...

He thought it was his mind messing with him...

Of course, it was that scent messing with him...

"Yoongi hyung!"

Jimin shouted from the corridor running into Yoongi causing his fellow classmates to laugh loudly. Mr. Kim gestured to Yoongi to go and get his blazer back. When he was about to slide the door Jimin reached him with a sweet smile and face flushed because he ran.

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