Whatever Happen to Scrooge McDuck?!

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Implied drowning/death of children and attempted drowning of a main character
This will be in bold if you want to skip it.
(It still makes sense if you don't read it.)

I was in the kitchen, cooking breakfast. It had been a few weeks since Christmas and I was busy making breakfast like usual. When the door squeaked open.

"Enough is enough Dewey!" I slammed a plate of bacon on the table, making a few pieces go flying. Blue gave me a sleepy grin. "Your brothers are already suspicious, you need to knock it off."

He had done this every morning since Christmas. He was wondering when we could back again. Honestly, I was stalling for time because Louie had thought up some loopholes I was checking into. Dewey didn't need to know that, though.

Huey was very curious, though, as to why Dewey had been getting up very early for the past month. Some mornings there had even been several of them up at the crack of dawn. A few days ago there had been fourth triplets at the bar. He wore a yellow long-sleeve shirt. I was confused, to say the least. After a few minutes, a very tired and embarrassed Webby grabbed the extra triple and led him out of the kitchen. No one mentioned it.

"What about today? Can we go today?" He hopped up in the seat and grabbed a piece of bacon. I just shook my head and smacked his hand.

"Save some for your brothers! I don't think so, Dew." I changed the subject. "Have you made any progress?"

Huey had told me they wanted to interview people that knew their mother to see if anyone remembered anything about the week before they were born. Did I feel bad he was the only triple that hadn't met her? Yes, but I wasn't going to purposely take him back if I could help it.

I turned back to the food. Dewey was awfully quiet. I rolled my eyes and checked the oven to see if the muffins were done. I pulled them out and placed them on the counter.

"Blue, I know you're mad but don't ignore me." I turned back around and the color seemed to drain from his face. "Dewey?"

I walked around the bar to him and tapped his shoulder. He nearly fell out of the seat. I caught him. He seemed to be frozen in a frown. I carried him to the nearest couch. I took off towards my room. Only one thing could cause this and it was sitting on my dresser.

"I don't have time for this today," I groaned and headed upstairs.

I passed Mrs. B in the middle of vacuuming the curtains; I didn't want to know, but she seemed to be frozen, too. I picked up my pacing and I flung the door open. Huey gave me a shocked look and mumbled an apology and tried to walk by me. I could hear the Time Turner ticking. The last time this had happened, Louie and I got sent into the past to deal with an issue with Spear of Selena. However, why was it going off again? Ludwig's repair job should have fixed it.

"Huey. What are you doing in here?" I crossed my arms.

"Just looking for you," he mumbled. I raised an eyebrow, but he didn't say anything else.

"You know I'm usually cooking right now." He nodded. The ticking was insanely loud, and he wouldn't blatantly lie. He wasn't his brother. "Did you touch anything?"

"I just opened the drawer." He pointed to where I kept the Time Turner. I knew he was lying. I sighed and walked over to the drawer and opened it. He followed behind me. "What is it?"

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