pajama night

Depuis le début

I laughed and nodded.

It was really good.

I felt Itadori's fingers brush against mine while we were walking, and it sent shivers up my arm.

I thought about what it would be like to hold his hand. I think it might be kind of nice.


We made it to the bus stop just as the next bus was pulling up. The dim yellow lights flickered over head as I found a seat towards the back. Itadori plopped down right next to me, the old seat cushion squeaking underneath him.

At some point along the way Itadori yawned and leaned his head on my shoulder, his hand falling into my lap.

"What are you doing?" I whispered, my body becoming terribly stiff.

"I'm tired. Let me use you as a pillow," he nuzzled his head deeper into my shoulder.

I decided it wasn't worth the fight, and let him take a short nap while we rode back to JuJutsu High. After my anxiety finally subsided, it felt kind of nice to have him this close to me.

I poked his soft cheeks several times, trying to stir him awake as we got closer to the school. He continued to snore quietly, my efforts having no effect on him.

"Itadori!" I whispered, trying to shake him awake now.

His big eyes finally fluttered open and a soft smile spread across his face, "What a nice view to wake up to".

My eyes widened and embarrassment washed over me.

"Just get up, we're here," I pointed to the bus driver who was patiently waiting for us to get off his bus.

We grabbed our bags and hurried off before walking all the way back to the school.

Itadori managed to inch closer and closer to me as we walked, our steps perfectly in sync. Every minute or so I'd feel his finger tips graze over mine, just like he did earlier.

After the fifth or sixth time he accidentally touched our hands together, I grabbed his fingers and laced them through mine.

This was what he wanted, right?

Itadori's eyes were glimmering like stars when he glanced over at me, his mouth curved into the biggest smile.

"I'm only doing this so you'll stop annoying me, don't think it's anything else," I lied.

"Whatever you say," he said, giving my hand a tiny squeeze that sent electricity coursing through my body.

We walked in silence after that, hand in hand, until we got back to the dorm building.

"We could go back to my room if you want," Itadori looked back at me as we walked inside the entrance, "I have movies we could watch!"

That sounds nice.

I nodded, "I'm gonna go shower and change out of my uniform first".

Itadori gasped, "You're right! We'll have a pajama night! You gotta wear fun pajamas or you won't be allowed in".

"That sounds stupi-," I narrowed my eyes at him.

"No complaining! I'll see you soon!" He cheered, cutting me off and running down the hall and into his room.

I rolled my eyes and entered my own room, my gaze falling onto the dried out flowers that still laid on my desk. They were the ones Itadori had brought me a few weeks ago, I never had the heart to throw them away.

My mind was swarming with thoughts while I showered. Itadori makes me feel like my stomach is filled with butterflies. He loves to annoy me but I'm slowly starting to find it less annoying and more endearing. I even found myself a little bit excited to have our stupid pajama night.

After showering, I sat on the floor and dug through my dresser to see if I had any lounge pants that would qualify as "fun". I reached all the way into the bottom and pulled out a black pair of pants that had gray cats on them.

Why am I even going along with this stupid idea?

I slid them on, threw on a gray t-shirt and and left to go to Itadori's room.

He opened the door, looked down at my cat pants, and then back up at me.

"Perfect," he smiled and clapped his hands together before opening the door to let me in.

He was wearing a loose black shirt and fluffy light pink lounge pants with panda bear faces all over them. Of course he has pants that look like that.

I rolled my eyes and walked inside. Itadori had set up a tray of snacks, covered his bed in pillows and blankets, and already had the movie ready to start. It seemed like he put a lot of effort into this.

Itadori grabbed my hand and jumped onto his bed, pulling me with him. I tried to resist, but I'm no match for his ridiculous physical strength.

We rolled onto the blankets, Itadori giggling the entire time. We ended up right next to each other, and when I opened my eyes our faces were inches apart.

I felt heat spread all over my face.

He's so close.

"Ready to watch?" He gave me the brightest smile, turning away and grabbing the tv remote.

Why am I so disappointed that he moved away?


Itadori's POV

I gazed down at Fushiguro, admiring how calm he looked. At some point during the movie he'd fallen asleep.

I turned off the TV and grabbed an extra blanket to cover him with. I decided not to wake him because he was resting so peacefully, but honestly I did it for reasons much more selfish than that. I didn't want him to leave.

I grabbed a different blanket and curled up on the other side of the bed, sure to keep enough distance between us. I didn't want to disrespect any boundaries he had.

My mind was racing and falling asleep was proving to be rather difficult. I started to feel guilty for everything that was happening between us. Once we have all of Sukuna's fingers I'll be executed, if I even make it that long. I imagine that the more fingers I consume, the harder it's going to be to maintain control over him.

In the long run, I'll probably just end up hurting Fushiguro. It's incredibly selfish of me to think I could have something like this right now.

I squeezed my eyes shut and promised myself I'd fix things in the morning.


quick credit to @ / bn_gi7 on twitter for the art at the beginning of this chapter :)

<3 silver

evil | m. fushiguro x y. itadoriOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant