yellow pt. 2

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4 weeks until Sukuna's arrival

Itadori's POV

I watched as everyone around me trained hard, their shirts soaked and stained with sweat. Gojo Sensei and the higher ups decided to implement a strict program for the first and second years; a desperate attempt to prepare them for Sukuna's arrival. Even other teachers and members of the school were working hard to get stronger.

When they weren't physically training, everyone was patrolling the city, hunting down every curse they could find. None of which compare to Sakuna, but it's still good practice.

Even Megumi was back on his feet, but Gojo Sensei was heavily enforcing that he take it easy. However, the more of his memory that returned, the harder taking it easy was for him. He was slowly reverting back to his stubborn and stupidly determined self.

He's come to terms with what Sukuna did to him and the trauma he endured, but he still suffers. I often see him staring out into space, or hear him quietly crying to himself in shower. He tries to hide the fact that he's struggling.

"Yuuji," I looked up and saw Megumi standing in front of me, his black hair sticking to his forehead.

He must have known I was thinking about him.

"Yes, love?" I smiled up at him.

His expression softened slightly, "I think I'm done for today".

I traced my eyes up and down his body. His clothes were creased and clinging to his body with sticky sweat. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I thought you were supposed to be taking it easy?"

He rolled his eyes, lying through his teeth, "I was".

"Yeah, okay," I mocked his eye roll, standing up and lacing my fingers between his.

"Let's go back. You need shower and rest," I gave his hand a light squeeze.

"I know," he mumbled, pulling me towards the door.

We walked silently back to the dorms, my hand staying locked in his the entire way. Never ending thoughts of Sukuna and our current situation swirled through my head.

Thankfully, no one decided to punish me for making the contract. It was concluded that this was inevitable from the start anyway. Through a contract or through brute force, Sukuna would have eventually found a way to take over my body regardless.

It's impossible to accept how little time I have left, but I kind of died once already, I can handle it again. For now I'm just happy that Megumi is safe and back at my side.


I pulled Megumi's shirt over his head, small groans escaping his lips as he lifted his arms.

"You shouldn't be training so hard," I shook my head.

"I'm not".

"You are," I tossed his damp shirt into his hamper, the navy fabric falling limply over the side.

"No matter how hard you train you're not going to be able to save me. I know that's why you're doing it, so please stop".

He shot me a dirty glance, proving my assumptions correct. For some reason, he had it in his head that if he worked hard enough I would miraculously survive all of this. If only it were that easy.

evil | m. fushiguro x y. itadoriWhere stories live. Discover now