heart beat

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Yuuji's POV

"Two months!?"

Even though I couldn't see Gojo Sensei's eyes, I could tell from his body language and his voice that he was glaring at me.

"Would you rather if I left him there? Look at him!" I cried out, gesturing to Megumi who was still laying unconscious.

His pale face was resting against the generic white medical center pillow, his long eyelashes falling softly on his cheeks. The nurses had changed him out of his bloody, tattered clothes, and his frail body was now draped in a hospital gown. I cringed when my eyes fell on the IV lines coming out of each of his arms and the bandages wrapped around several areas of his body. They told us that he would be okay, but that it would take some time for him to fully recover. His body was completely exhausted.

"...No," Gojo Sensei finally answered my question, sighing as he did so, "But this is incredibly selfish of us".

"I know," I spoke quietly, my gaze falling to the floor.

"This is my fault for putting so much pressure on you in the first place," Gojo shook his head and began walking towards the door, "We'll talk more about this later. I have some people I need to inform about our current situation".

I looked up and gave him a small nod, watching as he pulled the door closed behind him. I moved a chair up to the side of Megumi's bed, plopping down and sinking into the cushion. I planned on staying here until Megumi woke up.

"I was thinking I could tell you some stories until you wake up," I folded my arms on the bed and rested my chin on top of them, "Since you might have forgotten some of them".

Obviously, there was no response from the unconscious Megumi, but I kept talking anyway.

"One time we went to this incredible sushi restaurant. They served the dishes on a conveyor belt and everything!"

I found myself reaching out and gently running my fingers through his semi-knotted hair.

"When we got back here to Jujutsu tech and we were walking across campus, I wanted to hold your hand so bad," I laughed nervously, "but I was afraid you didn't feel the same way towards me, and I didn't want to push your boundaries too far. But guess what? A couple minutes later you reached out and grabbed my hand!"

I felt my eyes start to sting, my emotions overwhelming me as I reflected on much simpler times. If only things could still be that way.

"That was probably one of the happiest moments of my life," I continued, "and then we got to my room and watched a movie. That was the first time we spent the night together, and after that I never wanted to sleep alone again. I realized that your face was something I wanted to wake up to every morning".

I was smiling, but I could feel warm tears starting to creep down my face.

"Another time, we were hanging out with our friends. You like them a lot, especially Nobara, you two are really close. I'm sure she's really worried about you right now".

I lost my train of thought for a moment, imagining how hurt Nobara would be if Megumi didn't remember her either. Working through this wasn't going to be easy for anyone.

"Anyway, they were starting to catch onto us. You were so nervous to tell them we were together, but they gave us nothing but love and support after finding out... Later that day, we went to a boba shop with Nobara. You said taro was your favorite flavor of milk tea... I promise I'll buy you as much as you want once you wake up".

I spent the next twenty minutes telling him a few more stories of us and our friends, but I could feel my shoulders starting to weigh down. The fight in Sukuna's lair had completely exhausted my energy, and now that my adrenaline was gone, it was catching up to me. I rested my head on the side of the bed again, staring up at Megumi until my eyes inevitably drifted shut.


Megumi's POV

It felt like I was drowning in a thick sludge, no matter how fast I swam I just kept sinking deeper. Eventually, I just stopped swimming, letting myself drown in whatever this existential nightmare was.

* some time later

Bright lights penetrated through my eyelids, and a soft beeping noise could be heard coming from close by. A familiar voice was speaking next to me, hints of joy but also regret in his words. I focused carefully, trying to make out what exactly the voice was saying.

It sounds like he's recalling memories with someone, but he's saying it as if he's talking to me. Are those our memories? The ones that were stolen from me?

A vision of a cute boy with light pink hair and hazel eyes formed in my head. I felt my heart swell with an incomprehensible amount of love at the sight of him. Little by little, his stories brought back vague memories of who I am.

I felt debilitating fatigue flood through my body once more. I grasped for strings to keep myself afloat, but my mind was quickly consumed by darkness again.

* some time later

My eyes flickered open, falling on the hospital gown and bandages covering my body.

Where am I?

My vision drifted to  the side, stopping on a sleeping boy with messy pink hair and tear stains on his cheeks.


The name rung out in my mind. I reached out and carefully moved my aching arm, gently patting him on the head. His eyes slowly cracked open, making contact with mine. After only a second or two, his eyes shot open, the boy quickly jumping out of his chair and throwing his arms around me.

"You're awake!" I could feel him whisper excitedly against my neck.

He lingered there for a couple seconds and then hesitantly pulled away, worry written across his face.

"I'm sorry I hugged you like that... I know you don't know who I am anymore. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable".

"It's okay," my voice sounded hoarse and raspy, "I remember some. Your stories helped a lot".

"You could hear that?" His cheeks flushed pink, his eyes wide.

I nodded, patting the bed next to me, "sit with me".

"Are you sure?" He looked at me nervously.

I nodded again, and he quickly obliged. He sat on the edge of the bed, his hand resting softly on my abdomen.

"I still don't remember everything, but my heart feels like it's going to explode every time I look at you," I admitted to him, "I can understand everything that happened between us from that feeling alone".

I could see tears welling up in his eyes, a small smile pulling at his lips.


writing this chapter made me soft i love them so much

art credit: @ JamonIberico on twitter

<3 silver

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