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1 day until Sukuna's arrival

Megumi's POV

I watched silently as Gojo sensei handed Yuuji a few more of Sukuna's fingers. They'd managed to collect more of the grotesque digits over the past two months. They wanted Yuuji to consume as many as possible before tomorrow, so that they would be destroyed when he died.

I gripped the armrests of my chair, my knuckles turning pale. I could feel anger boiling up inside me as Yuuji popped the first finger in his mouth, swallowing hard. No one was trying to save him, no one was trying to come up with a plan. Their only concern was pumping him with fingers and then killing him.

Yuuji looked up and met my eyes from across the room, his lips forming a soft smile and his eyes crinkling together. I gave him a concerned look, completely unsure as to how he was staying so optimistic and calm right now.

'It's okay,' he mouthed to me before turning and taking another finger from Gojo Sensei.

I stood up and exited the room, leaning hard against the plain white wall in the hallway. I let out a shaky breath, my mind spinning. Watching that was making me sick to my stomach.

"Hey, Fushi," I heard a familiar voice from further down the hall.

I looked up to see Nobara walking towards me. Her short orangey-brown hair a little less straight and perfect than usual.

"How's it going in there?" She gestured to the door.

"Fine, I guess. Sensei is giving him the fingers they've been collecting".

She let out an exasperated breath, flopping back against the wall next to me. Her shoulder was just barely touching mine.

"Won't the extra fingers just make Sukuna more powerful?" She tilted her head to the side, a confused expression written across her face.

"Yes, but Sensei is fairly certain he can beat him no matter how many fingers he has," I turned to face her, lowering my voice, "They're not even trying to save him, Nobara".

"I know," she frowned and reached up to pat my shoulder, "but I don't think they have much of a choice. And trust me, I understand how hard this is for you and it's not easy for me either. All we can do is put our faith in Yuuji and Gojo Sensei. They're making the best choices they can".

I turned away, pressing my shoulder blades back against the wall. I knew she was right. Yuuji had spent the past few nights explaining the same things to me. I just haven't been able to fully comprehend the fact that there is nothing I can do to help him.

The door swung open, Gojo Sensei's head poking out. His eyes landed on Nobara.

"Good, Kugisaki you're here too. Both of you get in here".

I met Nobara's eyes for a split second. Her big orange eyes were laced with worry and concern, more than she was letting on. I walked in first and she followed behind me.

Yuuji was sitting at the table, a stupid smile on his face as he waved his hand at us. I was relieved to see that nothing had gone wrong while he ate the artifacts, but I rolled my eyes at his unnecessary optimism.

"Sit down, guys," Gojo instructed.

The two of us found seats. I sat next to Yuuji, Nobara sinking into a chair across the table from us. Gojo stood at the head of the table, a grim look on his face.

"So, tomorrow..." he started, the usually overconfident man faltering for just a second.

"Tomorrow, Sukuna will overcome Itadori. He's arrogant so he might try to fight, but he's also smart so there is the possibility that he will try to flee. In the case that the latter occurs, you two and the second years will work at all costs to keep him on campus grounds until we can execute him".

evil | m. fushiguro x y. itadoriWhere stories live. Discover now