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Megumi stared down at the new pink haired boy, who looked eerily similar to Sukuna. He understood that he was one of the Jujutsu sorcerers that Sukuna had warned him about, but he didn't understand why he was acting to strangely. How could he possibly know his name?

"What did you do to him?!" The boy screamed again, his eyes locked on Sakuna.

Sukuna just chuckled and turned to face Megumi, "don't let his foolish words have any effect you".

Megumi nodded, staring down at the the sorcerer with disgust in his eyes.

"This is what we've been training for," Sukuna finally stood up, placing his hand on the back of Megumi's head, "I want you to get rid of this pest for me".

The black haired boy gave him another nod, a look of determination crossing his face. He jumped down from the pile of bones, landing across from his enemy. Without hesitating, he locked his hands together and summoned his shikigami.

"Megumi?" The boy spoke again, his eyes glassy, "What are you doing?"

Megumi tried his best to ignore the confusing words that kept leaving his mouth, focusing on what he needed to do. He immediately ordered his dogs forward, trailing closely behind them. His opponent moved quickly, jumping away from the dogs at the last second.

The two went at it for what felt like hours. Megumi continued with his relentless attacks, while the other boy refused to do anything but dodge. The Sukuna look-alike hadn't attempted even one counter attack yet.

Every once in a while the boy with the pink hair would yell to Megumi, saying things that didn't make any sense. He'd beg for him to stop fighting, and scream about wanting to take him home. But Megumi is already home, so why does he keep saying these senseless things?

"Shit," The other boy caught his foot on one of the many bones littering the floor, losing his balance for a few seconds. Megumi saw this as the perfect opening, lunging forward and preparing to strike the boy with his fist.


I quickly spun around, only to see Megumi's fist a few feet from my face. Bracing myself, I stuck out my arm, wrapping my fingers around his wrist and pulling him to the side. For a split second, fear struck across his face, his eyes flashing with confusion and concern. 

"Yuuji...?" I could barely make out his whisper, but I'm almost certain he said my name.

He crashed to the floor, a small grunt escaping his lips. His two dogs slowly disintegrated in front of me.

I ran to his side, kneeling down next to him, "Megumi, I'm sorry-,"

"Stop," Megumi pulled himself up, sitting across from me and holding out his hand, "Please touch me again".

Confused, I reached out my hand, gently wrapping my finger tips over top of his. His eyes began to well up with tears, his hand shaking inside of mine.

"I... remember now... not much... but enough," he talked slowly, "It's so foggy... I don't know who you are... but I know you were important to me".

"Yes!" A tiny spark of hope lit up inside me, "I came here to s-," I was cut off by an intense force pushing me away from Megumi.

Sukuna now stood between us, his arms crossed over is chest, "I think that's enough".

Gojo's words echoed in the back of my mind, "if you can get close enough to Fushiguro to touch him, you may be able to pull him out with you". I was overwhelmed by panic when I realized I just had the perfect opportunity to do that, and I forgot. I was too distracted by my emotions, and I failed. I doubt I'll be able to get that close to him again.

"You've been lying to me... haven't you?" Megumi approached Sukuna, his fists curled into balls at his sides, "Why do I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't know what the fuck is going on?"

Sukuna flicked his hand and sent Megumi flying into a wall, his body collapsing onto the ground. I winced at the impact, but I could see from here he was thankfully still breathing. Sukuna then turned to face me, "Let's get this over with, shall we?"

He strolled closer to me, radiating arrogance, "While I am a bit disappointed that you're going to take away my pet, if that's what it takes to persuade you into a contract, so be it. I will miss all of the things we did together though," he glanced over to Megumi's limp body, a smirk stretching across his face.

"Fuck you," I stood up to face him, anger igniting inside me once more, "What do you want?"

"I want control over your body. I thought that much was obvious," he grinned.

"Yes, but you know I can't do that. Can't we come to a more mutually beneficial agreement?"

"If you can't do that, I'll kill both of you right now," Sukuna lifted his hand and drew Megumi's body towards him, wrapping is long fingers tightly around his neck, "and I'll start with him".

"Wait!" The scream instinctively left my body.

"Yes?" Sukuna gave me an expectant look, his grip around Megumi's neck intensifying.

"Give me two months," I swallowed hard, "Let me have Megumi and in two months my body is yours".

"Deal," he accepted rather quickly, a smug look on his face. The air between us changed, and I could feel within me that the pact was activated.

I could already hear Gojo Sensei chewing me out for this, but two months should be enough time for us to figure something out. My only other option was to leave Megumi here, and I can't possibly do that after seeing what kind of condition he's in.

"That was easier than I expected. You really are weak, Itadori Yuuji," he shook his head at me, tossing Megumi's body to my feet, "Have fun with what's left of him".

I tried to tune him out, focusing my attention to Megumi's unconscious body. This was the first time I was able to get a good look at him, and guilt was weighing heavy on my shoulders. His body was covered in bruises and wounds at various stages of healing, his hair was matted and greasy, and the bags under his eyes were dull and black. He's been through so much.

"Now, both of you, get the fuck out of here," Sukuna snarled, a familiar falling sensation washing over me.

When I opened my eyes, I was sitting in the same room I was in before, but this time Megumi was wrapped safely in my arms.


the boys are back together!! woo!!! kind of

art credit: @ Jamon0Iberico on twitter

<3 silver

evil | m. fushiguro x y. itadoriWhere stories live. Discover now