The monster ( part 2)

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After Ash was put on bed to sleep. Serena and others were sitting in carriage asking arcuse what happened to Ash. Serena was sitting with deila and she was hugging Serena so she can be calm down after what she have seen in morning .

Dawn:- Tell us what happened there in morning arcuse!. I don't understand what happened to him?.

Serena:- I haven't see him get hurt like this. *Sod*It break my heart when I saw him bleeding .*sod*.. please tell me what happened.

Everyone then look at arcuse with worries for Ash. Arcuse Look at them and started to think. She suddenly remembered something.

Arcuse:- From what I saw . I can tell that his power is are increasing , but his heart gem is breaking because of the crack which is made because of Serena words back then.

Serena then look down and started to cry. She is the reason that Ash is suffering. She can't cry on this . She have to help him even she have to give her life.

Serena:- tell me if there something that I can do to help him.

Arcuse :- you have to be close to him . So he his heart gem can repair, but it will only happens if you really love him.
Sorry for late and short chapter . Next Time will make a big one

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