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"NOOOO YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Nora whispered-yelled grabbing her lunch from the table and hiding it from Noah who took her chocolate pudding

"Stop messing with my girlfriend you weirdo!" Oliver, my brother said as he smacked Noah's hand

"I'm hungry" Noah said with a pout

typical noah miller

"But that doesn't mean you steal my food!"Nora said "not the pout Noah, okay fine I can share"

"and me?" I pouted, maybe I can use Noah's techniques from now on

"Babe next time remind me to get food for the whole school because they both eat more than the whole school would eat" Nora said as me and Noah frowned

"she's calling both of you fat" Olly said

"you taught her that?" I said in a duh tone making them laugh

"bitch!" She looked at me


"Levi asked for your number"

"wait Levi Levi? The Levi we know?" I asked confused as she nodded

"he's cute" I said

"he's a good guy" Oliver said

"it's not like I'd take your opinion olly" I said as I rolled my eyes

"and it'll be good since Ha-" Noah started but his eyes widened making himself shut up

"since what?" I asked confused when I saw Nora and Olly have the same look on their faces

"Hey people"Anna said as she, Levi and Victoria joined us

Victoria was our childhood best friend, she kinda drifted away a bit and got closer to Anna and Levi so now they join us at the table since Vicky thinks they're boring

That what she says, don't mind me

"hey" we replied

"What took you all so long?" Olly asked avoiding my looks

I knew my brother too well, and I knew he was hiding something

"Ms. Kelly took few more minutes" Anna replied

"hey Addison" Levi said nudging me

"hello Levi" I said as I nudged him copying what he did making him laugh

"I heard that Har-" Vicky stopped when she saw the door open "I heard right"

I looked around and found almost everyone looking at the door,

My eyes widened immediately and I felt my heart beat way faster

He's here

He's back here

After the longest time ever, There stood the one and only Harrison Walker, my ex boyfriend

he had that kind of smile on that melted my heart every time I saw, his eyes were roaming around the crowd trying to mind someone and that's when his ocean blue eyes met mine, making my heart stop beating

His eyes were a perfect spring sky, his mind clear and his smile warmer than the gentle sun.

he gave me a warm smile before walking into our way

"nice of you to finally join us!" Olly said

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