Chapter 6

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The next day Addy came to my room, and sat on my bed. She leaned forward caressing my hair. “I’m sorry” she said softly.
"Sorry for what? You are as cruel as them."
“Come on let’s take coffee” she patted my shoulder insisting.

I got up putting a black crop top and a short jeans. I didn't bother to put on my high heels.
How I miss my sneakers.
I walked barefoot to the kitchen, we made our coffee and sat in the garden. It was my favorite place in the mansion.
I took a sip feeling the bitterness of coffee in my mouth.

“The boss called me earlier, he was satisfied, the mission was successfully done”.
I didn't respond .
“Kristen, trust me you're stronger then any girl in our world”. She paused leaning forward holding my hands, “the boss picked you because you’re special. He saw the confidence in your steps, the beauty in your eyes, the smartness in your words and the seductiveness in your moves without much efforts. All you have to do is winning his trust” she said smiling to me.
“It’s hard to believe that Luca can trust” I murmured back.

We were interrupted by Elijah, he kissed Addy on the  cheek, “come, the boss is waiting for us".

In the office, I saw Luca watching me from head to toes, stopping on my barefoot

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In the office, I saw Luca watching me from head to toes, stopping on my barefoot.
Fabiano rushed to me, hugging me, “you did a good job baby girl”.
My smile fell when I saw Luca glaring at us.
What’s wrong with that man!!!
I stepped forward sitting between Addy and Fabiano.

“About yesterday” began Luca, “Everything was successfully done, Anthonio Ricci is dead”.
I felt a lump forming in my throat at the mention of his name.
“They don’t know who did it. As for Kirsten…”
I looked up not expecting my name, his dark eyes was gazing at me.
“She succeeded in her role” all eyes was on me now.
“But don’t you ever disobey me. I didn't give you the earbud for nothing.” His voice got sharper.
“But like you saw, my plan worked out not …."
“Shut up" he cut me off abruptly.

I can see Addy glaring at me from the corner of my eyes.
“How many times do I have  to tell you not to talk unless I ask you to” he growled out.
I nodded looking to the ground hating my vulnerability.

“What did you fucking think when you rejected him!!!! You were lucky he was a weak bastard. Not all of them will fall for you easily”. His voice boomed in the room making me flinch.

I closed my eyes preventing my tears to fall down in front of them.
I felt a strong hand on my tight comforting me.
“Take it easy on her man, it was her first mission” interjected Fabiano with a defensive tone.
I can feel Luca glaring at him.

When he didn’t reply, I glanced up. He was pouring whiskey to his glass, he took a gulp then sat back in his chair.
“Tomorrow will be our second mission”.
I gasped back, I didn’t expect it too early.

Addy slid a folder to me. I opened it and met with blue eyes, his brown hair was messy, he was muscular.
In the second picture, he was holding a 5 years boy. Next to him stood a beautiful women.
He has a family!!

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