Chapter 9 - something strange about to happened

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Mateo POV

finally, it's time to go back home, I quickly get out of the class because the class was so boring and I don't want to stay there for so long. I went to my locker to grab my stuff and ready to go back to my house but then I see kai walking toward me so I greet him

"hi kai"

"hi to you too Mateo"

"so how the last class?"

"Actually it wasn't bad the teacher was fun so I enjoy it"

"wow lucky you, my last class was so boring"

"I felt you"

he pats my back

"oh yeah, do you want to have dinner with me at a restaurant tonight?"


"Okay good I will pick you up at 7 pm"


we continue chatting until we arrived at my house. we said goodbye to each other then I get to my house

"I'm home"

then something jumps at me and it was my dog lio. he licking my face

"haha jeez I just went to college and you already miss me that much?"

he barks

"aww such a sweet dog"

I pet his head. I went to the kitchen to grab dog food and pour it into the lio bowl. he quickly eats it

"Sorry to keep you waiting you must be really hungry, and this is why I told you to one on you to take of lio look at him now he's really hungry" I was kinda mad at them.

the four of them just speechless don't know what should they say, then Felix said


 I look at Felix's face he looks like really regrets it. I sigh then walk toward Felix and pet his head and said

"it's okay just...don't do it again" I smile then the three of them walk toward me and hug me and said sorry. I hug them back and said it's fine. I pet their head and rub their neck

"Why are you so cute Mateo," said alferd

"e-eh?" I blush then he kiss on my cheek, my face then turn red

"aw you, even more, cuter when you are blush" said eric

"I'm not," I said even redder now

"Mateo okay?" said Felix

"e-eh? I'm okay Felix don't worry about me," I said to Felix feeling a little bit embarrassed.

An hour later

I was sitting on the couch watching a tv show but then I feeling kinda sleepy so I turn off my tv and go to my bedroom and take a nap

Felix POV

I saw Mateo went upstairs and look kinda sleepy so I want to follow him but then I was stopped by drake

"where are you going, Felix?"

"i...want to follow Mateo..."

"Mateo? why?"

"i...don't know.."

"ok, but can I ask you something?"

"what is it?"

"do you...feel something strange?"

" you mean?"

"I actually don't know. I just feel like something strange was about to happen tonight"

"so you feel it too huh"

then there is alferd and eric interrupt our conversation

"whatever it is we must prepare for it. we must protect Mateo, keep Mateo safe from any kind of danger" said alferd

I actually don't have a feeling that tonight there will be something strange about to happen. the conversation ends then I went upstairs to check Mateo, I open the door and see he was sleeping peacefully. I gently rub his hair and kissing him on his forehead then leave his room.

Time skip

Mateo POV

I wake up from my bed and see the time it's say's 5 o'clock now. I get up from my bed and get out of my room and went downstairs then I saw four of them discuss something in the living room.

"what are you guys discuss about?"

the four of them then look at me

"o-oh Mateo you were awake I thought you still asleep," said eric

"oh yeah I just wake up and I was actually about to take shower but I want to see you guys first and you guys were discussing something so I ask what are you guys discuss about?"

they look at each other now, there is definitely something. then alferd said

"Mateo are you sure you want to go to dinner with kai tonight?"

"why yes we already did a promise anyways"

"well can you say to kai that you can't go out tonight?"

"huh? why?"

"well we have a feeling that tonight something strange about to happened and we don't know what kind of danger that will be"

something strange about to happen tonight? no way right? but again they are spirits their feeling never wrong but if I cancel it kai will be upset. while I was thinking my phone just ringing, and it was from kai, I pick up the phone.

"hello kai?"

"hey, Mateo are you done yet? I'm about to done now"

"i-i, y-yeah same"

"okay great see you soon now"

"yeah bye"

the call ended just like that

"Sorry guys but I already make a promise with kai and I can't just cancel it"

I quickly go to the bathroom and take a shower and pick an outfit.

an hour later

while I was getting ready I heard someone knocking on my door that must be kai

"wait a sec kai"

I went downstairs to open the door now, I open the door and there is kai standing in front of me

"hey, Mateo are you ready yet?"

"yeah I just finished"

"Okay great now let's go"

"okay wait"

I went to the kitchen and grab dog food, I pour it into lio bowl

"lio time to eat"

lio came to the kitchen

"okay now lio be a good boy okay? I'll be back in a minute"

I pet his head and lock the door, now we ready to leave the house.

???? POV

so that boy called lilo huh? he looks weak so it's should be easy to take his soul, but the problem is the guardian. they will be disturbing me for getting closer to him, but lucky me I just got a plan... and when I got his soul I will rule the entire world nobody will be getting in my way and all humans will bow down to me...

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