Chapter 5 - fighting

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Mateo POV

After all the explanation now I finally get it, let's just say I'm in danger right now and they will protect me no matter what even tho I still kinda not expect this will gonna be happening and kinda creepy because they will be watching me the whole time, right now I was about to go to the bathroom to wash my teeth and take a shower after I done I go to the kitchen and make breakfast I grab dog food and pour it on the bowl for lio "lio food is ready!" I wait for lio to come but he didn't show up then I go to the living and see Felix playing with lio or patting him "sorry to interrupt but lio playtime is overtime to eat" I can see lio face turn to sad "you know you can play with him again after you are done eating" then his face turn to happy face aww he so cute then he walks to the kitchen but before I can turn back I feel something grabbing my arm when I see it it was Felix's arm who holding my hand then I go see his face and it looks like he wanted to tell me something "what's wrong?" when I asked he then look away still holding my hand but did not answer until he said "nevermind..." he then let go of my hand he looks kinda sad don't know why so I pat and caress his head "feeling better?" he nods "good if you need something I will be in the kitchen" I smiled at him then go to the kitchen

Felix POV

what is this feeling inside me? I felt like I want to get his attention and keep his beautiful blue eyes on me I feel my cheek grow red and hot what's happened to me? when I near him I felt like warm deep inside me then I feel there is something tapping my shoulder when I look back its drake who tapping my shoulder "you okay Felix your face just turn red" "y-yeah... I'm fine" "oh okay then" then he leaving me in the living room alone I sit on the couch still thinking how smooth his hand on my head and how to make me feel warm inside with his smile is this was his power? then I heard someone coming toward me "look's like you already like him" it was alferd with his tease tone voice he always likes that I look away from him "hey it's okay your not alone I feeling the same just like you" when I heard that I quickly glare at him and said, " mine!" then he glare back at me "don't push your luck too much" we glare each other until Mateo come in the living room and said, "what are you guys doing?" we then snap back to reality and look away

Mateo POV

when I come to the living room I see Felix and alferd glaring each other with a death glare so I asked them "what are you guys doing?" then they immediately look away, huh weird then I felt there is head on my shoulder it's eric head and said "what are we gonna do now honey~" he wrapped me in the waist with his hand I can't say anything I feeling embarrassed I cover my face with my hand "aww you look even cuter like that you know?~"

Eric POV

he looks even more cuter when he's embarrassed then I see Felix glaring at me I glare back at him then there's a disturber who ruined the moment it's drake he said "you know Mateo need some privacy right?" "are you jealous tho?" "heh, why would I jealous?" "just say you jealous because he's not giving you any attention" I released Mateo from my grip and I go move closer to drake and giving him a death glare and argument but it's not only me who argument Felix and alferd too we argument who will Mateo like the most

Mateo POV

Eric released me from his grip and they are argument I try to stop them but they won't stop then lio move closer to me and holding a leash with his mouth "oh you want to take a walk?" and he barked "I take that as a yes" I put the leash on his neck I ignore they are fighting and open the door they still didn't notice me open the door when I open the door I see they are so many people or spirits walking I forgot that I can see spirits now I try my best to look calm and try to ignore the spirits then I closed the door and have a nice walk 

Felix POV

"okay go ask him if you really are so sure he loves you the most," Drake said "I will, " Eric said then I just notice Mateo is gone from the living room "um... guys... where's Mateo?" I ask them "huh what are you talking about? he's right her-" said Eric then suddenly the whole room goes quiet we immediately checking all the room in the house but we don't see Mateo anywhere "*sigh* this all your fault!" said drake "me?! how it's my fault you the one who started the fight" said eric yelling at drake  "well...actually... you're the one who started the fight" I said, "ugh you too Felix?!" "c'mon guys let's just we searched Mateo" said alferd trying to calm the situation "yeah if you know where is he might be going" said Eric with an angry tone "hey it's not my fault that he just ran away!" said alferd then we back again fighting


Mateo POV

well I managed to ignore the spirits so they didn't notice me I go back to my house when I open the door I was surprised by the four spirits who jump on me and immediately hug me all four of them they said like 'where have you been?' 'we're so worried' 'don't do that again' "guys I'm fine you can let go of me now" then they release me from the hug "I just took a walk with lio he asked me to" I put away the leash on his neck "if you want to go outside you must tell us first" "I am! but you just keep fighting and I even try to stop you guys but you didn't listen" they all look down at the floor and all of them said "we're sorry" I sigh and patted their head "it's okay I'm not mad" they all look at me with a happy face "really?" I nod "now I need to take a shower and head to bed" "wait...youre not eating?" said Felix "oh I already eat when I took a walk and can you help me give lio food I so tired right now," I said with a tired voice "sure" "thanks," I said with a smile and head to the bathroom to take shower and brush my teeth and I go to bed to sleep because I'm so tired

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