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"You were supposed to be my rock, my stability. I don't feel very stable, Obi-Wan."

"Anakin, these things take time, you cant possibly expect-"

"I expected so little of you! I expected you to be my friend above everything! I expected you to choose me, that was it. Was that too much to ask of you?"

A hand runs over a tired and weary face. Metal clicks as a prosthetic clenches and unclenches.

"Anakin, please. A little more time is all I ask. I am trying to support you, Padawan, I really am, but-"

"I'm not your Padawan anymore."

A tired but not-quite-disappointed sigh leaves chapped lips.

"I apologize."

Eyebrows crease in near-fury, the prosthetic clicking again, gears grinding.

"That's it? You apologize? For what, Obi-Wan? What are you sorry for this time? Was it using our friendship to carry out a mission that didn't end up working in the first place? Was it letting me believe you were dead for what felt like the longest month of my life? Was it not trusting me enough to-"

Teeth grind as the other man speaks. A hysteric laugh finally bubbles up.

"Oh, you really are a petulant child, aren't you? I had no choice, Anakin! It was duty, surely you of all people should understand it." Jealousy rears its head. "Or are you too wrapped up in dear Senator Amidala to recognize duty anymore?"

Eyes narrow, possession speaks.

"Don't you dare bring Padme-"

"Padme, is it? No, she's not the problem Anakin, it's your obsession making you think you can have your cake and eat it, too. Eventually you'll have to choose, and I'm starting to doubt whether or not you'll make the right decision!"

"The right decision for me, or the right decision for you?"

A tick of silence, disbelief. Fury tints a voice.

"For the karking Republic, Anakin! You could give a bantha's ass about me and I wouldn't care, it's that you have unwavering faith in the Chancellor who has been in power far too long for-"

"Oh, it's the Chancellor's fault, is it now?"

"He is skating the line of fascism very thinly, Anakin."

"And what's the problem? People need to be controlled, they make stupid decisions that cost people their lives!"

Another beat of stunned silence.

"Anakin Skywalker, can you hear yourself right now? The Republic is supposed to be free, with free will. The government has no place dictating what people are allowed to do with their lives if they make harmless decisions!"

A sigh. 

"Look, this isn't what I came here to talk about."

"What did you want to talk about then, Anakin? How terrible of a Master I am? How I am the worst friend you've ever had?"

"Obi-Wan, I-" words caught in a throat, choking. "I ship out tomorrow. It's my first deployment without you in a while. I just-"

A pause too long. Hesitation laced with worry emerges.

"Just what, Anakin?"

Another sigh.

"I don't have a good feeling about this one, Master. I didn't want my last time seeing you to be laced with tension and distance."

"Anakin, you're one of the finest warriors I know, you'll be just fine."

"You didn't see the briefing, Obi-Wan. If anything happens-"

"Which it won't-"

"I want you to take over Ahsoka's training."

Stunned silence.

"Anakin, I-" Breath choking again. "You'll be fine, dear one." Softened voice and features, allowing worry and affection to show.

"You're the only one I'd trust with my life, Obi-Wan, even-" A broken, choked off laugh. "Even after the Rako Hardeen incident."

"Anakin, I know it means nothing, but I didn't think you would react that strongly. I didn't think I was that important."

Disbelief circles them once again. A step forward, a gentle touch of flesh on flesh, fingertips meeting forearm. A slight flinch due to being unused to contact and affection. Blue eyes meeting blue eyes, electric and stormy. Eye contact creating a gaze so deep, they might drown in each other.

"Master, how could you ever think you're not?"

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