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It was three months since the first time Obi-Wan caught him. He remembers it vividly. Seeing the whole room filled with smoke. Smelling the sour organic scent that wafted throughout. Watching Anakin light up the pipe, eyes widened when he saw Obi-Wan. Floundering, trying to explain himself. Obi-Wan shook his head and chalked it up to the stress of the battlefield. Everyone needed a release at some point. He just assumed Padme was Anakin's.

The second time was nearly two weeks later. They were on a mission on some backwater planet. It was late, dark, and Obi-Wan couldn't sleep. He found Anakin, clearly too far gone to make good conversation, the light of the small fire reflecting in his glassy eyes. He shook his head yet again and left, going back into their tent, 'theirs' only because it was wartime and provisions were low for everyone.

The third time, Obi-Wan joined him. Anakin smiled brightly and handed the pipe over to Obi-Wan, showing him how it worked, lighting it for him. They sat and smoked for a while, in Anakin's quarters on the Resolute. Really, it was their quarters. Obi-Wan was sleeping in the room with Anakin more often than not. It helped to have someone else in the bed with him. He supposed Anakin felt the same way, for when they were onboard Obi-Wan's flagship, Anakin took to making himself at home in Obi-Wan's quarters.

"I'm sorry for not telling you sooner," Anakin said, shocking Obi-Wan out of his thoughts.

"What do you mean?" He asked. Anakin shrugged.

"I just assumed you knew," he said. Obi-Wan turned to face Anakin fully.

"Knew what?" He inquired. Anakin shrugged again.

"Padme and I got a divorce," he said nonchalantly, and may Anakin thank the Force that the both of them were too intoxicated to really react to loaded statements such as that. Obi-Wan knew they were together, of course he did, Anakin was his closest friend, he knew since Geonosis the first time around, before the Clone Wars. He hadn't known they got married, and apparently now divorced.

"When?" Obi-Wan asked. Anakin took a deep breath.

"Two months ago, maybe? She didn't like this," he gestured around them. Obi-Wan understood immediately. Well, he more understood what Anakin meant. He didn't understand why Padme divorced him over his habit. It wasn't like he was a different person. It wasn't spice or alcohol, greens just made him more relaxed. Obi-Wan was pulled out of his thoughts once again, sensing Anakin's distress. Anakin had tears in his eyes.

"I just... she was my angel, you know? I thought we could get through anything..." he trailed. Obi-Wan sighed, shifting to wrap his arm around Anakin's shoulders.

"Some things aren't meant to be. I saw how happy she made you, but perhaps she grew out of love," he said. Anakin leaned into Obi-Wan, burying his face in Obi-Wan's chest.

"The Chancellor tried to tell me that you and Padme were sneaking around behind my back," Anakin said, straightening up. Obi-Wan snorted.

"That'll be the day," he joked. Anakin smiled.

"Yeah, how could he think that? She only had a crush on you when she was fourteen, that's it," he said. Obi-Wan quirked an eyebrow.

"Anakin... did you think Padme and I had an..." he waved his arm, "affair? Padme is merely a friend. Besides, I could never do that to you. You mean too much to me," Obi-Wan stated, looking into Anakin's eyes. Anakin's breath hitched. Their faces were extremely close. Looking back on it, this was probably when Obi-Wan realized that Anakin was beautiful. His eyes reflected the lights like stars. It was almost as if Obi-Wan could get lost in the galaxy of Anakin's eyes.

Anakin's eyes fluttered shut as he leaned in. Obi-Wan was far too gone to deny himself of what he knew he wanted, deep down. He met Anakin's lips gently. Anakin's breath hitched once again as he gently brought a hand to the back of Obi-Wan's head, pulling him closer. They stayed like that for a while, kissing, caressing, holding each other close.

"I've loved you for so long, I didn't think you'd feel the same," Anakin said, breathlessly, dazed. Obi-Wan stopped. Anakin frowned, trying to pull him close again.

"Anakin, I- we can't do this. You're still in love with Padme, I-" he began. Anakin shook his head.

"Padme was to distract myself from you. I... she gave me the undivided attention I craved," he explained. "Padme was... an obsession. I love her still, but not the way I love you." Obi-Wan's breath got caught in his throat.

"Please tell me you feel the same, that this isn't- I'm not just-" Anakin struggled, way too intoxicated and overly emotional. "Temporary." Obi-Wan crumbled.

"Dear one, you were never temporary," he said, grasping Anakin's face in his hands, fervently meeting their lips once more. Anakin cried out in happiness, reciprocating with enthusiasm.

Obi-Wan looked back on his memories of that night. How truly ethereal Anakin looked and felt, both physically and in the Force. He practically glowed. It was nearly a month ago. Three months since Obi-Wan first caught him, and a month since he joined him. A month since their night of passion, both glowing so brightly in the Force that he was damn sure the Council could feel them all the way back on Coruscant.

"Stop thinking so loud," he heard Anakin mumble. Obi-Wan smiled at the man next to him. "Your reminiscing is interrupting my sleep. Sleep," Anakin demanded sleepily. Obi-Wan smiled again, pressing a kiss to his lover's forehead.

"Of course, dear one," he mumbled against Anakin's skin, drifting off to sleep, wrapped in Anakin's embrace.

If he had the choice, Obi-Wan would burn a thousand times in a thousand lifetimes before giving Anakin up.

Obikin Short StoriesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora