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He supposed it was his fault. He was the one to let Anakin go, after all. Obi-Wan thought after all those years of fighting at each others' sides and surviving off the land of some backwater planet they got stranded on with only the clothes on their backs, he might have considered him... more. More than just a placeholder, more than just his former Master. More than just a friend. Wishful thinking, he knew, but some part of him could never let Anakin go, no matter what he got himself into.

Looking back on it, accepting the Rako Hardeen mission was a mistake. Even though he had shielded himself from Anakin, the pure anguish from the other side of the bond seeped through any cracks in his defenses. Many nights, it brought him to tears.

He remembered the one night, maybe a day or two after he "died," after his "funeral," he felt a cold acceptance. At the time, Obi-Wan had mistaken it for the other man moving on, and admitted he was a bit hurt that it was that quick, but then he felt someone he usually never did. He felt Ahsoka. He felt her pain, her fear, her pure and utter agony. Her panic. A crushing sadness crashed over him in waves, completely enveloping him in misery. He never knew what actually happened that night, he was already gone. And that was the problem, wasn't it?

Anakin never mentioned it when he came back. Neither did Ahsoka. He could only guess what had gone over. Obi-Wan also guessed that he should have asked him. He hadn't, in fear of starting a fight, but he supposed it would have been better than this. Anything is better than this.

Obi-Wan has many regrets in life. He knows he could have done a million things differently. How ironic that he was back where it all started. Some hut on Tatooine, watching over a young Skywalker, chosen by the Force once more.

He hoped that when the Force gave him the chance to see him again, to see his dear one, that he wouldn't already be gone, like Obi-Wan himself was years ago. And if that was selfish, Force damn him.

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