It was a little awkward, so I said "Jayje, I like you." I stared into her ocean blue eyes. "I like you to," she said smiling. "So we're dating now?" I ask. It was a stupid question, but she wasn't really clear. "Yes, but I don't think she should tell the team. So we can have to to figure out our relationship without people prying," she said. "That's where the problem is. Penelope kinda already knows." JJ looked kinda confused, I noticed and elaborated. "We went to the mall before this and long story short she hacked into my phone and sent you the text." She smiled lightly and said "Sounds like Garcia." I nodded my head in agreement. "Well Spencer kind of knows, but I never told him that you were coming here." I looked over at the clock it was almost 12am. I looked back over at her and said "Up for some midnight pizza?" "Well that's my favorite kind of pizza."

I grab a plate and start to put the pizza in the microwave, before I was interrupted by JJ saying "what are you doing?" She asked. "Putting the pizza in the microwave," I say looking confused. "Gross, use the stove." Keeping my confused face I ask "Why?" She rolled her eyes, "because the microwave will make it gross." "Fine, But it will take longer."

JJ walked over to the couch and turned on the tv "We can finish the new episode," she suggested. "Ok, but I need a blanket." I went to her closet to grab a blanket, I found the warmest blanket I could. I walked out to where JJ was sitting. I sat as close to her as I could. Though I'm not a big fan of human contact, snuggling with JJ just felt right.

"Uh, I hate the adds. We honestly should wait the extra day for the show." JJ said. "Yay, the pizza is done." JJ got up to get our pizza. "Can I tell you something?" I asked JJ as she walked back over to me. "Shoot away." She sat next to me I whispered seductively in her ear "You look hot in that hoodie." She looked down, but I saw her blush. I went to the kitchen to find JJ's stash of wine. I found it and poured me and JJ a glass.

"Can I tell Garcia, because she won't stop pestering me until I spill." I said making us both laugh a little. "Sure, but don't go into detail," she said winking. We both started laughing. "I'll try my best." We finished eating and watch the show.

"Jayje, it's late we should go to bed," I said. She had her legs wrapped around my waist "No, I want to stay here." She pulled me closer and kissed me. I didn't pull away until about 2 minutes later. "I'm going to bed, JJ it's 3:30." I got up and walked to her bedroom. After a couple of seconds she walked in "You can sleep, but I need a shower," she smirked. "See, I would join you, but I might pass out."


I walked into my bathroom. I wished Emily was joining me, but I need to think. I turned on my shower and got in. "I'm glad Emily likes me back. I have the hottest girl as my girlfriend. Wait, girlfriend? We never agreed on labels. We should probably talk about that. Maybe I should tell Spencer. She has Garcia to talk to, so I should talk about it with him. The thing is Spencer doesn't understand stand certain things, like a hint. He seemed to notice that I liked Emily, but that was profiling and he was always good at that. I thought the idea of Penelope hacking into Emily's phone hilarious. It is unbelievable the powers that woman has." I thought as I finished my shower.

I wrap my towel around me and go out to my dresser and grab pajamas. I walk back to the bathroom. I put on the necklace my sister gave me, then I put my bra and underwear on. Finally I put my pjs on and brushed my teeth. I walked out to my bedroom and saw Emily sleeping. She looked adorable, she had her hands under her head. She looked so calm. I crawled into the bed, next to Emily. She turned over and wrapped her arms around me "Goodnight." I moved closer to her to snuggle in "Night."

(TW minor talk of suicide)

I felt so safe in her arms. Like any danger in the world was gone. I never wanted to move. I've never felt so safe. "I've been with a girl before, but I didn't last long. My parents ruined my relationship. They said 'You can't like the same gender it's revolving. A sin!' My parents and my relationship wasn't been so good since Roslyn passed. I think they blame me a 11 year old kid for my sisters suicide. I found her in the bathtub. After I found her, I needed years of therapy. I like to believe that she is the reason I joined the BAU. Roslyn was the first person I told about my attraction to girls. She was so excepting and she said 'I will love you no matter what' that's when she gave me her necklace."

N/A: Hey so the smut isn't that explicit bc it's weird writing it. I might get better at writing it, but probably not. Word count 1700! I decided to talk about JJ's past and Roslyn this chapter to make it longer. I came up with this really cool idea for chapter 9 or 10. Funny story I forgot how to spell 'straddle' it literally took me 15 minutes to figure it out. Anyways HAVE A GOOD DAY, NIGHT, OR MORNING! You are loved 🥰💕❤️💖

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