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The rest of the team showed up after Garcia. Hotch and Rossi rode together. Derek and Spencer were behind them.

"We should take you back to the BAU to see if you have anything important to tell us," Hotch said. "No need, I remember everything. Blake and Reese, Emily told me. We were at a abandoned police station, about 15 minutes away from the safe house," I said. "Wait I second. I have a computer in Derek's car," Garcia said, then started speed walking, since she could run in the dress and heels. She came back with a bedazzled computer.

"Why do you have a computer in my car?" Derek asked. "Marking my territory, but that's beside the point." She hit the keys swiftly. "Reese has a sister, it looks like Blake dated her. The broke up. Reese probably has something on him," she pause and continued typing just as fast. "Oh there is an abandoned town, which has a police station," she said. "Thank you Garcia," Hotch said then look at me, "JJ you stay here." It took me a second to register what he said, because he must be an idiot if he think I'll oblige. "Absolutely not. I'm going with," I said. "JJ your still hurt," Derek said. "I'm bruised. I'll be fine I'm going with," I pursued. "We're wasting time. JJ you can come, but you will stay in the car until we get Emily out," Hotch persuaded. "Sounds good."

Garcia decided to come with. She would stay in the car too. We got to the abandoned town. It sent chills down my spine, there was just a weird feeling I got. The boys got out of the car and unholstered their guns. Derek kick the abandoned police station door down. They walk in and after a few minutes I hear a gunshot.


           Tons of thought were going through my head. 'Did Emily get shot? Did someone on the team get shot? Did they get the bastards that kidnapped Emily and I?' My thoughts were disturbed by Garcia. "Oh my god. It's her."

Emily POV
               (A few hours earlier)

           JJ had left and now Reese was back. Her and Blake were yelling. "What the fuck did you do?!" she yelled. "Well you said you didn't like the blonde one so I took her back," he answered calmly. "It wasn't your decision to make!" she yelled. She shoved him, and he shoved her back. They starting fighting until Blake pulled out a gun. "I've wanted to do this for so long," he said. Before she could say anything, he shot her. I was just watching the two of them like a tv drama.

            Blake took her body out. Then when he came back, he unlocked my cell. He walked in. He had a look on his face like I had killed his best friend, and he wanted revenge. He took out his gun and shot me. I don't remember anything after that, since I passed out from the pain. When I passed out I saw JJ. I saw the team. I saw every single good and bad memory I had.


Derek was holding Emily, and Hotch was in the phone. I opened the car door and ran to see her. When I got there she wasn't awake. She was passed out, probably from the gun shot wound in her arm. "I read a book about bones. She should be fine. She will need pins. She most likely passed out from the pain," said Spencer.

I was frozen. I heard what Spencer said, but I couldn't move. I tried to tell myself she was going to be okay, but it's like I wasn't listening to myself. The ambulance came, but I didn't hear it. I saw the lights out of the corner of my eyes. It's like everyone was moving so slow, yet so fast.

Someone was calling my name, each time getting louder. "Jennifer!" Reid yelled, snapping me out of my daze. "Yes?" I asked. "Emily is going in the ambulance. Are you going with her?" he asked me. "Uh yeah. Tell the team to meet me there," I said. I got in the ambulance.

The EMTs were talking loudly, but it would be considered yelling. They were throwing around medical terms, ones I couldn't understand. Through the EMTs talking, I heard Emily mumbling and groaning. I could barely make out her words, but I heard my name. "Emily, I'm here," I whispered. "What the hell is happening?" she asked, still mumbling. "You uh got shot and we found you. You passed out from pain. Now we're going to the hospital," I explained. "Typical," she said, laughing slightly. "Yeah I know," I said laughing along. "The teams going to meet us at the hospital," I said. "Okay," she said smiley softly. Emily was trying to fight falling asleep. "Hey don't fight your seep. We're almost at the hospital anyway," I said, and she stopped fighting it.

About 5 minutes later, we got to the hospital. Griffin hospital. The EMTs got out of the car and took Emily stretcher out of the ambulance. I walked behind, until I got to the "Only staff beyond this point" door. "Ma'am you can't go past this point," one EMT said. I nodded and sat down in one of the chairs in the waiting room.

After a while, I don't know how long, a surgeon in blue scrubs came out. "Are you with Emily Prentiss?" he asked. "Yes," I answered. "She is going to be in surgery for a while. The bullet went through the bone on her forearm. We are going to have to put pins in it. It will take a while, because we want her to have full function," he said, kind of rushing. "Okay," I said, trying to take that all in. "I'm going to get back to surgery now," he said and walked away.

After he walked away I heard Spencer's voice. "JJ. Oh there you are," he said. He sat next to me, and Penelope was on the other side. She held my hand. "Did the doctors say anything?" Penelope asked. "Uh yeah. She is going to be in surgery for a while, they're putting pins in," I said. "She should be fine. They're trying to get full mobility back," I added. "JJ are you hungry? When's the last time you ate?" Hotch asked. "I think I had a kiwi," I said. I honestly couldn't remember. "Okay we will go get tacos," Rossi said. "All of us," Derek asked scrunching his eyebrows. "Everyone except JJ and Garcia. They should stay and wait for updates," answered Hotch. "Okay. Text us if anything happens," Reid said walking out with the rest of them.

         After a while of silence I spoke up. "Penelope. She's going to be okay right? The doctors told be she'd be okay, but I can't comprehend it. I keep telling myself she'll be okay, but I saw her and she did not look fucking okay," I said, whispering, but my words words were sharp. "JJ, she will be fine," said Penelope. "I know I'm overreacting. Y'know because it's just an arm, but she was lying there and she looked dead. And if she died it would be my fault, because she told him to let me go. Instead of herself," I said holding back tears. "You're not overreacting, you're just showing that you care. Emotions aren't a bad thing," she paused. "Now give me a hug." I gave her a hug it lasted a while. Then I heard her sniffle.

           "Garcia what's wrong?" I asked. "I was just thinking about the hell they put you through. And how much I love and missed you both. Oh and how we have to do a girls night. When Emily's arm heals," she said, her voice going from sad to happy in seconds. "I missed you to Pen and how could I not love our computer genius. I'm sure Em would love to have a girls night," I said smiling. Garcia was one of those people. The kind that could make you smile at your darkest moments. That's why I love her.

         I heard my phone go off. It was Spencer. It said, 'Is there any update on Emily?" I replied with 'No'. "Do you think they'll be done soon?" I asked Penelope. "I'm not sure, but the more time they take the better the job they do. Right?" she said. "Right," I said, trying to stay optimistic. If Garcia weren't here that word would be out of my vocabulary.

         The boys came back with the tacos. I only had one, because I didn't have much of an appetite. Everyone was talking, but I wasn't listening. There was a lot of noise, but I had to cancel it out. I had to listen for the sound. The sound of the doors swishing open. I did that, while everyone was talking I waited for the doctor. I waited for the doctor to come out and say, "Emily wants to see you." I needed them to say that. I couldn't have sat here for another hour, or I would've walked into the OR and finished the surgery myself. I am not a very patient person. At this moment I didn't need to be patient, because I heard the door open.

                    "Ms. Jareau."

A/N: hiya kids. This is late sorry. But there's a reason! I fell asleep at normal times and I write a night. So I don't know what is up with my 7-10 sleep schedule. I prefer 7-3am. Word count: 1610. Btw I didn't reread this lmao sorry if there's mistakes. Hope you liked this! PSA you're loved 🥰! •<>•

A kiss Isn't Just a Kiss Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora