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Emily's POV

I woke up to Sergio meowing in my ear. "Okay cat I love you and all, but you need to shut up." I look over at my clock, and it was only 4am. "Your the only man I love, and it's because of the things you do every day. Eat, Sleep, and poop in a box, so go do one of those things. Preferably sleep." I talk to Sergio a lot. I'm not crazy or anything, it just gets lonely in the apartment. Now that JJ is here a lot it's not as lonely. Sergio jumped off the bed probably to do one of his 3 things. I moved closer to JJ and dozed off again.

            I woke up again, but this time to JJ straddling me. "I'm starting to like mornings better and better each morning," I say sitting up to give her a kiss. "Em," JJ said in a serious tone. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Nothings wrong, I just think that we should," she paused "tell the team about us." I smiled and gave her another kiss. "Okay, we'll tell the team today." She smiled and said "Let's get a shower. We don't want to be late." I gladly obliged.

Unsub POV

I was outside of my next victims' house. Taking pictures, like I always do. I like taking before and after pictures. My new targets were different. I couldn't describe it, it was just a different feeling I got. Their routine was very hard to follow, but I liked the challenge. Today I had a brilliant plan. A way to get the targets alone, but not completely alone with each other. They were getting ready to leave so I had to get out before they did.

Emily's POV

Once JJ and I finished showering we got dress and left for work. "So, how are we going to tell them?" JJ asks. "I'll say 'I'm gay' then you say 'I'm bi' then we both say 'and together we're dating' how about that?" I said. "Perfect," she said trying to be serious. "Oh I forgot to tell you something, but if I tell you, you have to promise not to get jealous," I said. "I pinky promise." "Hotch kissed me yesterday, but don't mention it to anyone. I don't want to embarrass him," I said trying to read JJ's face. It seemed relatively unbothered, probably because she knew how gay I was. "Okay I won't mention it." I wasn't surprised at the way JJ was acting, because it JJ. But no one else has treated me so nice. If it were any other human I would thing their hiding something, it not JJ.

We walked into the building and got on the elevator. When the elevator reached out floor we walked out and through to BAU doors. "Emily JJ, round table now!" Hotch yelled. "So much for our we're dating thingy," I mumbled. We walked into the round table room and the whole team was there and they all looked really worried. "What's happening?" I asked. "Someone dropped this off," Hotch said handing me an orange envelope. It was full of pictures of me and JJ. Some while we were on a date, some while we were having sex, some while we were in the shower. I kept a stoic face. It was very easy for me to contain my emotions, unlike JJ she read like a book. "Surprise we're dating," I said unenthusiastically. "Emily, that picture is from today," JJ said, her voice filled with emotion. I kissed her forehead. "So what are we going to do about this?" I ask.

Hotch goes over some stuff, about the safe house and things we can and can't do while we're there. Thank god we're aloud to leave the house, but we can't go in many crowded places. No one that we know can know our location. We will have an agent check in on us, and we will be able to have our guns.

It was almost time for me and JJ to leave, and Garcia was crying. I went over to hug her and said "Don't cry Pen, you're all badasses and will find this douche. Plus you can watch Sergio while I'm gone." JJ was a wreck, and I'm trying to stay strong for her. I'm a wreck on the inside.

I shot my mother a quick text: Me: Jennifer Jareau and I are going into a safe house. We are being stalked. You know the rules for safe houses, you can't know my address or have any contact with me. I don't know how long I'll be there.

Mom: Is Jennifer your 'girlfriend'

I left her on read. I can't believe that from all I just said she thought the me dating a girl was the most important thing. Unbelievable. She is one hell of a mother.

"Hey jayje, did you tell your family about what's happening?" I asked. "Uh yeah, they were kinda confused, but they uh understand now," she said in between sniffles and dabbing her eyes. I kneeled down to her level, because she was sitting on a chair. "You are to beautiful to cry, Jennifer Jareau." I kissed her quickly on the lips.

"Thank you," I said to the young agent that brought JJ and I's bags. JJ and I walked over to our team, and gave them all goodbye hugs. Garcia was still crying, Morgan was angry, Rossi was worried, Reid was thinking and Hotch was all of those things except crying of course.

We drove out of town, into some wooded area. When we got to the house, I noticed other houses not to far. A good and bad thing. The house itself was beautiful, but it's wasn't big and fancy. It had 2 bedrooms, and 1 bathroom. JJ and I were obviously going to share a room. The other room could be used as storage, since I don't thing we're having any guest over any time soon. The driver help us unpack all of our things, and by the time he left it was really dark out.

"The house is really nice," I said to JJ, who's eyes were still a little red and puffy. "Yeah and all the furniture is really comfy." She patted the spot next to her and said "Come sit down." I sat next to her on the couch, and it was really comfortable. "It is really comfortable," I said. "What should we do?" asked my beautiful girlfriend. "Let's just talk." I laid back on the couch and JJ wrapped her arms around my stomach laying in between my legs. "About what," she said. "Family," I said. We started talking about our families.

Unsubs POV

They did exactly what I wanted, they moved the girls to a safe house. All I need to do now is find out where it is. I know that they wouldn't tell anyone the location, or have contact with anyone. I also know that there is an agent on their case. Making weekly stops to check in. I could watch the BAU and see if anyone leaves around the same time every week, but they might switch up cars and times. They can't switch up the person though. I could try and hack into their computer system to check what time everyone clocks out and see if someone clocks out early or late every day, but they have a computer genius on their side. I'm good at computer science, but not good enough. Maybe I know someone who is, or maybe I can take their computer genius.

Emily's POV

JJ fell asleep in my lap while we were talking about our families. I tried to wiggle out from under her, but every time I moved she stirred. I leaned forward, so I could detach her arms from around my waist. Once I pried her hands off me, I leaned her forward so I could 'wedding carry' her up to our temporary room. I place her on the side farthest from the door. I changed my clothes, and just left JJ in hers. She looked to comfortable to disturb.

Once I got under the covers, I started to silently cry. 'I wonder if I offer myself to the unsub would he leave JJ alone. I can't let her get hurt especially if I can do something to stop it from happening. I think the unsub is more obsessed with me. There could be a couple different reasons why but I think option a: He started his obsession with me and started obsessing over JJ because JJ and me a a package deal I guess. Option b: He is obsessed with JJ and doesn't want to hurt her, but since we're dating I'm 'going to ruin his relationship with her' . I hope it's option b because he may just kill me and then kidnap JJ and won't hurt her. The team would then find her and she'd be safe. If it was option b there could be so many different outcomes. Most involve both or 1 of us dying. I wish this shit would just go away!

a/n: hey guys word count: 1534! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. The holidays were very hectic. And as in hectic I mean my mom had a seizure the night after Christmas. If there's any mistakes pls ignore them! I wrote this on very little hours of sleep. Hope you guys like the new idea i came up with. I'm supposed to be asleep right now. Anyways good night p.s you ARE loved!!!!!

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