"I-I know Blue," Ink stuttered while pulling Blue close to her chest, softly going down to her neck and sucking on it.

"Aaahhhhhhh~ Inky not now," the two girls in front of me began to move, Blue was trapped under Ink as she got sexual with her.

"Wait, i-if we move we can stay warm," I realized what Ink was doing and joined in since Blue is the coldest out of us, both of us roughly touched her.

"Blue this might not be the best, but it will keep all of us warm," Ink told her and she gave up her weak struggle against Ink.

Ink and I groped Blue's chest, while I sucked on her neck and Ink rubbed just above her clit. I felt impressed on how Ink could use one hand to rub Blue's clit and the other to grope one of her breasts. Softly Blue started to hump Ink and I smiled at what we've done, but we stopped as soon as we heard the sound of something being dragged by us.

When the sound passed I looked up through the branches of the tree above us and saw a wolf dragging a deer, slowly I lowered my head. Both of my girlfriends saw how scared I looked and held me close to their bodies, sadly my body was in a nervous sweat that cooled me down even more.

"I-it feels c-colder a-and there is a w-olf out there," both of them had concern written all over their faces, for me and the danger we're in.

Time passed and the sound of blowing wind calmed down, suggesting that the storm ended. Our snowshoes had been abandoned earlier when we had to rush for cover from the storm, so we all dreaded the walk home silently. Although getting home drove us to keep going, the sun was rising in the distance and it reminded us of how we almost froze all night.

As we walked home our feet sunk into the snow and it took a lot of strength to walk forward, Ink had the most problems as she's the shortest. Blue and I had to help her when she sunk too far into the snow, but over time our remaining strength got depleted. All three of us collapsed in the snow and I tried to continue crawling forward across the snow.

"Dream, Ink, Blue! Yell back if you can hear us," the sound of my sister Nightmare yelling brought me back to reality enough.

"Over here," I shouted, my throat aching from the cold air and my exhaustion.

"Oh shit," I heard from really close by, before I saw Nightmare, Horror and Error run over to us.

"Sis, what happened? You're really cold, probably hypothermia," Nightmare picked me up and I couldn't feel over half of my body, but I could see my girlfriends being picked up out of the snow.

"We went out a-and this st-storm started," I tried to stutter it out, but I started having a coughing fit.

"We need to get them help now, hurry up," we were taken to the nearest hospital and I knew my conciousness was fading as we got there.

I woke up feeling warm and saw that it was a hospital room, I took in my surrondings slowly. Just by glancing over I could see my girlfriends curled up in the other two beds in this room, both of them were still asleep. My body felt sluggish, so I decided a little more sleep wouldn't hurt.

When I awoke again some doctors were in the room and they were changing some tubes. They noticed that I had woken up so they walked over to me and each of them had a smile on their face.

"It's good to see you awake, you've been out for nearly a day and these girls have been too," I stayed still and tried to think through my words to these women.

"H-how long until they wake up? I want to go home with them," the doctors smiled at me and I didn't know how to feel.

"It should only take a day or two longer," slowly I nodded and they walked off, leaving me to my thoughts, but not for long.

"Dream, I'm so glad you're okay," Nightmare started to rant about how worried she'd been and how glad she is to see me awake.

"Night calm down, I just woke up a few minutes ago and I still feel a bit tired," she seemed to shut up for a moment thanks to that and I appreciated it.

"I've just been really worried about you since we found you three out in the snow," the word snow made me have chills run across my skin and I realized that this experience has left me with a fear for being far from home when snow is even mentioned.

"It's alright, you guys really saved us, I thought we were gonna freeze to death," Night lost her smile and hugged me, but she wasn't to rought because she didn't want to hurt me.

"Okay," she looked a bit worried about me, but she changed the subject after that and kept me distracted until visiting hours ended.

A whole week later we were out of the hospital and only had the remains of a cold from our tramatic time. Blue still remains without fear, but me and Ink are much more cautious. The three of us laid in our bed and Blue rested her head on my chest, falling asleep quickly. Ink however was nervously twitching on the other side of me, she has had anxiety since the incident .

"Ink, come here and cuddle with us. Thinking about it won't make you less anxious, so relax," hesitantly she snuggled up to my other side and started to fall asleep after a while.

Once Ink was completely asleep I started to drift off, knowing I wouldn't be leaving her to have an anxiety attack. Both Blue and Ink had their hair down, something that is odd to see as Blue almost always has her hair up and tells Ink to put hers up too. Silently I laughed at my girlfriends and surrendered to the comforting pull of sleep.

-1743 words

Hope you enjoyed

I litterally just finished writing this, but I like it at least. Sometimes I just don't know how to end my stories, this is an example of that as I just kept going to find the nearest end to it.

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