Day 25 - Seek Peace

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Dream's POV

Me and my boyfriends have been suffering with our pasts, so we're finally going to do something about it. Blue already left to confront his AU about how they used to treat him before he ran away. Ink didn't tell me what he was going to do, but I'm assuming he's going to face somehting that has been bugging him.

I knocked on the door to Nightmare's mansion and he opened the door, instantly going to attack me. It was difficult to block, but I ended up landing on my face and blood started dripping down. Nightmare smiled down at me and saw me in such a pitiful state, so I forced myself to look up at him.

"I came here to talk," that surprised him quite a bit, but he picked me up with a tentacle and dropped me on a sofa.

"What do you want to talk about? Just spit it out," so I did as he said and told him what I wanted.

"I want us to go back to getting along, this fighting is taking a toll on everyone," his smile after I said that made me confused, is he taking me seriously or not.

"You know what, I wouldn't mind that," without much thought I hugged him and snuggled into the goopy sweater.

So we made an agreement to be friendly to each other from now on, before I headed home. Both my boyfriends were already back and they seemed a bit more calm than before they left, which was a good sign. Carefully I flopped down beside them on the sofa and got pulled into a cuddle puddle.

"Today was good," Blue mumbled, in a way telling us that things were gonna be good now that we faced our pasts.

-289 words

Hope you enjoyed

I'm gonna try to get this done as soon as possible, sorry for all the delays.

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