Chapter: 18

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Chapter 18

Disclaimer: I do not own anything. Rick Riordan does.


Percy's luck ran out soon. He had calculated that he would get 2-3 monster attacks a month. He guessed it was the gods' way of thanking him, by reducing the amount of monsters finding him. But he didn't care too much.

A manticore growled. Dr. Thorn... Percy took out riptide out of his pocket and faced the monster. He wasn't really scared. Not at all. 

But he was very annoyed, "What do you want? Actually, don't answer that. Answer this: how would you like to be sent back to hell?"

In response, the manticore aka Dr. Thorn attacked. He sent a volley of missiles, but Percy dodged all of them easily. He uncapped riptide, and swung the sword to hit the monster. But Dr. Thorn easily pushed the sword aside, and scratched with his paw. Percy might have been slapped in half if it weren't for his reflexes, and his son of Poseidon perks. A few litres of water splashed on the manticore's face. He growled and attacked again, but Percy was ready. He dodged and slashed, occasionally splashing or choking the manticore with water.


"Why don't you die already?" Leo groaned as the Nemean Lion jumped for the tree Leo was on. He quickly climbed up until he was at the highest branch, about 200 above the ground.

The monster growled in response, probably meaning to say: you just shot a fireball at me. I don't die that easily. In fact I DON'T EVEN DIE!! In your face!

The lion jumped right on the branch below him, which surprisingly didn't break, "AHHHH!" he tripped and fell down the tree. So much for the heroic music playing in his head.

He was pretty sure he heard a bone crack, but he scrambled up and ran, shooting a fireball behind him, and getting a small box of fuel from his toolbelt.

"Hey, you chicken nugget!" He set himself on fire and started jumping to catch its attention, which was useless since the monster wanted to kill him anyway.

Leo emptied the fuel in a big circle around him, just as the it leaped. He simply shot a small arc of fire, setting the whole circle in flames.

It hesitated for a second, taking a step backwards. He took a hammer and threw it at the lion-monster. It didn't make a difference. Finally, the lion jumped over the fire and reached next to him. Leo let out an unholy scream, running towards a big rock and climbing on it, then going onto another, much taller tree.

"Go away!" Leo said, knowing it was useless. He desperately looked at the monster for weak spots. None were visible.


The only part not visible would be under its hide, and its mouth.

But Leo decided to aim for the mouth, since the other option seemed too easy, and unlikely to work.

But the bad part was that Leo had no idea how to make it open its mouth.

He decided to throw something that looked like food. He took out a white piece of cement from his toolbelt, which he had randomly put in there once.

"Oooh, MARSHMALLOW!" He waved it around, hoping that it would believe him.

It looked like the Nemean Lion did fall for it. It growled and opened its mouth, jumping in the air. But he had underestimated the monster. It landed on top of him, and apparently had not fallen for it.

"AGHH!" He was certain his ribs were broken. He rolled to the side, and threw the piece of cement at it. By sheer luck, it went into its mouth. As he was falling off the tree, he grabbed a branch, and hauled himself back on it, using the trunk for support.

The lion howled - more in anger than in pain - before fixing its pale yellow eyes on him.

Leo gulped, his mind spewing curse words at insane speeds. Out of sheer desperation he threw another hammer at it, aimed for its mouth.

It did not work, and the lion pounced on him again, knocking him out of the tree again.


Okay, that was short. Actually, I've written/am writing more. I just felt like ending the chapter now because it seemed like a nice time to do so.

Anyway, that's it for now, lil' cupcakes, and in 2 hours max, the. next chapter is comin up.

And I'm gonna start ending each chapter in a quote related to the fanfic, cause why not XD]

I try not to think, it interferes with being nuts.

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