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Kai pov

Mattia was just smiling at me while looking in my my eyes it was cute but weird then it looked like he snapped out of his trance cause he broke eye contact first I was about to say something but he cuffed my face in his hand and kissed my nose making me giggle

Kai:your weird

Mattia:you like it

Kai:how can I not it's cute

I smiled

Mattia:there's that beautiful smile now we have to go to the hospital


And just like that my smile turned into a frown

Mattia:hey what's wrong

Kai:wanna know the reason I came here in the first place

I looked at Maiya my eyes kinda watery

Maiya:what's wrong Kai

Kai:Maiya dads in a coma


Kai:yeah that's why I ran away

Mattia:the best thing to do right now is go and see him

Kai:yeah your right come on

Mattia grabbed my hand as we left the treehouse we were in the car and he still held my hand I didn't question it I liked it

Maiya:Watashiniha kanpekina kappuru o kaiku ni miemasu
(Looks like the perfect couple to me)

Kai: Watashi wa negatte imasuga, imanotokoro ima wa chotto shita koto o tanoshinde imasu
(i wish but for now ima just enjoy the little things)

Maiya: Anata ga nete iru toki ni kare ga anata no hoho ni kisu suru toki no yō ni
(like when he kisses your cheek when your sleeping)

Kai:E e, kare ga nani o suru no o matsu yō ni
(yeah like wait he does what)

Maiya:dang they were right pretend I didn't say anything

Kai:how am I supposed to pretend you didn't just say that

Ale:um are y'all ok

Kai:yeah why

Alv:cause y'all been speaking in Japanese the whole ride we're here

Kai:this isn't over

Maiya:no don't pressure me I hate that

Kai:to late you brought this shit on yourself not being able to keep a secret

Mattia:wait what

Maiya:not that one in there one but not the one your

Kai:there's another secret what the hell is happening

Mattia:um let's just go inside

We got out and went in the hospital the lady said we had to wait in the waiting room once we were there my mom was right there

Km:Kai your ok

Kai:yeah sorry ma

Km:it's fine I'm just happy your ok

Maiya:is dad ok

Moms face turned into a frown and she sighed

Km:they said they don't know when he will wake up but they're doing everything they can to keep him alive

Kai:w-what happened

Km:we were leaving the restaurant when a car came speeding out of nowhere and hit us then the car just left I was fine but your dad was passed out

Maiya:c-can we see him

Doctor:Cosentino family

Km:we can now

I look back at the boys

Mattia:we're gonna stay out here

Kai:are you sure

Mattia:yeah go bubs

We walked in the hospital room and there dad was laying with all types of things connected to him


We both walked up to him

Kai:who did this to you

Time skip

We had to leave the hospital because it was getting dark I was in my room by myself not wanting to deal with shit


Kai:go away Maiya

Mattia:it's not Maiya

Mattia walked in closing the door sitting on the bed next to me

Mattia:how you doing

Kai:if you mean feeling like shit then yes

Mattia:I see you always put your l.e.d light by your mood and there blue right now

Kai:what if I never see him again I didn't get to tell him so many things

Mattia:hey don't say that your dad is strong he can get through this you just have to have hope I'm not going to tell you that it's ok cause I know it's not we both know how it feels to loose someone you love and man does it feel like shit but we got through it and your gonna do it again I'm with you all the time just call and I'll be here

I got my phone going to his contact I watched as his phone rung and he answered it

Mattia pov

Kai:um hey Mattia would you mind laying with me till I fall asleep cause you know I hate crying and I can feel the tears coming

Mattia:I'm already here bubs

I slightly smiled at him scooting over so he could lay down

Kai:thank you

Mattia:for what

Kai:for always being there for me I know in am be a bitch sometimes but you still deal with me I'm so happy I have you

Mattia:you'll always have me I happy I have you as my other half

Kai:me too

Mattia:I love you Kairi

I heard soft snores so I figured he was asleep

Mattia:I love you more than you realize

And with that I drifted off to sleep holding Kairi close to me what would I do without him

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