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Kai pov

We were currently in mattias room I was in mattia's bed on my phone and He was playing fifa when His phone stared ringing

(On the phone)

Mattia:hey baby

Vic:hi matti I'm bored and I miss you wanna hang out

Mattia:I can't I'm with Kairi right now but we can hang out tomorrow

Vic:ugh umm fine I'll see you tomorrow

Mattia:love you

Vic:yeah bye

(Off the phone)

Kai:who was it

I already knew it was her🙄I don't really like Vic and i know she doesn't like me cause I'm always with Mattia and not her and I'm sure she's just using Mattia I mean whenever he says I love you she never says it back and I'm sure she's cheating on him but anyways

Mattia:it was Vic she wanted to hang out but I'm with you


Mattia:what's wrong


Mattia:Kai I've known you since we were kids I know when something is bothering you tell me

Kai:it's nothing Mattia I'm fine really just go back to playing your game


Kai:I'm serious I'm fine I-I'm going to the bathroom

I went in the bathroom and started texting Alv

(They are texting)



Kai:something just happened

Alv:like what

Kai:ok so like mattia was on the phone with Vic and you know how I never liked her but when the call was ending he said I love you and i don't know what happened but I wasn't happy

Alv:sounds like your jealous

Kai:what name never that why would I be jealous mattia's my bestfriend

Alv:yeah but you did say you've been questioning your sexuality and maybe you like Mattia

Kai:no I don't I can't plus he has a girlfriend a girlfriend that doesn't like him back but still he likes her and even if I do I can't tell him he's strait and it might ruin our friendship so ima just drop it bye Alv I'll talk to you later

Alv:ok Kai talk to you tomorrow

(End of text)

I left out the bathroom and didn't see mattia in the room he must be downstairs ima just wait here till he comes back

Mattia pov

I think I upset Kairi and I hate seeing when he's upset so I decided to do something for him I grabbed my hoodie since it's kinda cold and got my car keys and left not telling Kairi where I went I was driving and got a call from ale

(In the call)

Ale:hey what's going on


Ale:Alv just texted saying something was wrong with Kai but your with him

Mattia:I don't know see here's what happened we were just chillin at my house when I got a call from Vic she wanted to hang out but I said I was with Kai when I hung up he asked who it was and I was like it was Vic asking to hang out but I said no then he said oh


Mattia:yeah so I asked him what's wrong and he said nothing and I was like I know when something is wrong with you kairi and he said he was fine then went to the bathroom so right now I'm on the way to the store to get all his favorite things to cheer him up cause I think I upset him

Ale:oh damn well did you at least tell him where you we're going

Mattia:um no I wanted to surprise him and he was already upset so I didn't think he wanted to talk to me

Ale:man just tell if anything happens

Mattia:alright I gotta go I'm at the store talk to you later

Ale:yeah bye

(End of call)

I was currently in the store buying kais fav things when I got a text

(In text)

Kai:hey where are you

(End of text)

I didn't answer him what am I supposed to say I'm out buying your favorite things cause your upset even though you said you aren't anyway

I was finally finished buying everything and I was now heading home once I got to the house it was quiet I walked in my room and saw Kai sleeping there on my bed he looks so cute wait what it's normal to call your bestfriend cute while he's sleeping right it means nothing I don't have to think to much of it I mean I'm strait right and I have a girlfriend so yeah

Kai:mmh Mattia

Mattia:wake up sleepy head

Kai:Mattia where were you I was so worried

Mattia:aww your stress sleeping

You see when Kairi is stressed or overwhelmed he sleeps or cry's and kairi hates crying it makes him seem weak same as me so he just sleeps

Kai:shush you were gone to long and you know I don't cry so I went to sleep

Mattia:anyways I'm sorry for leaving and not telling you but I got snacks


Mattia:cause I know you said you weren't upset but I know you were so I got all your favorite things

Kai:Mattia really

Martina:look I'm sorry for whatever I did so accept this food apology

Kai:no I won't accept it

Mattia:what why not

Kai:cause you have nothing to apologize for I was just being a bitch and you had no reason to feel bad

Mattia:so I bought all this for nothing

Kai:not nothing we can have our own mini movie night what do you think

Mattia:I love it ima go make some popcorn you choose the movie


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