chapter four

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The centaurs didn't show

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The centaurs didn't show. Not that first meeting, or multiple requested meetings after. But Professor Sinistra and Professor Kettleburn didn't want to give up so every Wednesday night, like clockwork, Thea left the Hufflepuff common room as Regulus left the kitchens (Thea still really wanted to know what he did for this many weeks detention) and they walked to the Forbidden Forest together. There they waited to see if possibly, maybe, this week the centaurs would have a change of heart.

They normally only waited an hour and a half at the most. It was only ever them, the Professors left them to it and there weren't any other recruits. So, it was just Thea and Regulus alone in the dark with many, many awkward silences, random conversations and weird moments.

Thea couldn't work Regulus out, because he was kind, polite and quiet but could be cheeky or sarcastic in a way that made Thea smile when she didn't want to.

He seemed like any other innocent boy but then he'd say something that would remind Thea he was the Black heir, a blood purist, and potential death eater.

He was confusingly dimensional and Thea had to keep checking herself from—well, she didn't know—with someone who was so ingrained in the worst politics imaginable, and the worst family.

She didn't know or understand how Regulus Black with his moral greyness and grey eyes were messing with her usually strong and unyielding moral compass. But she didn't like the weird shift she felt when she forgot about everything and grinned as they discussed Newt Scamander and how Professor Kettleburn had managed to burn a patch of hair off in class.

The pattern kept repeating though, despite Thea's restraints and that night was the same. It got to the point that when Thea entered the Astronomy classroom that night, she felt strange going back to ignoring Regulus, when they had been arguing in the Forbidden Forest about who was the best Quidditch team not even an hour ago. (Thea vehemently supported the Pride of Portree while Regulus was obsessed with the Tutshill Tornados).

Still, Thea made herself not look twice at Regulus as she took her seat beside Benjy Fenwick. None of her close friends had continued onto Astronomy, but she was friendly with Benjy, he was her fellow beater after all, and they stuck together as the only Hufflepuffs in the class.

Professor Sinistra came in, fashionably late as usual. She looked ethereal with her shimmering dark blue hijab, and her cloak which trailed inches behind her. Honestly, if Thea actually was her favourite student as the others said then she would not complain in the slightest. Thea wasn't sure if she wanted to be Sinistra, her first role model with the same skin tone as her, or if was a little bit in love with her. If anyone was her teacher crush it would be her, rather than the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor all the girls were currently obsessed with.

After all, Sinstra was the one to spark her sexuality crisis in fourth year, when she realised she was more AC-DC. Along with (and she would never admit this to anyone) the graduated Narcissa Black. Thea didn't know what it was with her and the Black family but she was starting to think she might have a problem. She wondered absentmindedly if Madam Pomfrey did therapy sessions.

and they lay, forgotten - REGULUS BLACKWhere stories live. Discover now