chapter eight

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"Snape will never stop feeling sorry for himself, that's just who he is

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"Snape will never stop feeling sorry for himself, that's just who he is." Regulus absentmindedly petted Countess Cordelia as he spoke. He lounged back against the tree, his cat warming his chest and a dry spot of grass spelled for him. The spitting rain was melting any leftover frost from the last week but he had needed to get out, and Evan had wanted to smoke, so there they were.

Evan took a toke of his joint and it's off-sweet smell swirled in with the damp air. "He's just extra moody because he can see Evans's getting closer with Potter and there's nothing the poor sod can do about it."

Regulus looked across to the other side of the Black Lake where their conversation topic spawned. Potter and Evans were giggling and running about like idiots, Evans pulling at Potter's tie for some reason or other, and (in what seemed like a miraculous feat to Regulus) they were ignoring Thea. Regulus himself could not help but notice Thea no matter how much he didn't want to. His eyes trained to her as she watched her friends from the sidelines. She was bundled up with her Hufflepuff scarf and woolly mittens that Regulus assumed Prewett made for her. She had overlooked a hood or umbrella and dampened strands of hair clung to the soft edges of her face. She wasn't the acclaimed sharp and angled bone structure but sweet rounded fluidity. Like rolling thunder instead of a lightning strike.

Regulus blinked back to Evan, regaining himself. Snape, they were talking about Snape. "It's his own fault that he can't let anything go, whether it's Evans or that one bad potions grade he got in 3rd year. He literally thinks he's above the Slug Club because of that."

"You're not wrong, I suppose," Evan said. "But I just can't help but feel sorry for the guy."

"I get what you mean. It's hard not to pity him sometimes." Regulus shifted as to not get the smoke of Evan's drag in the face and Countess Cordelia scratched him for it. She lay underneath his robes where she snuggled up free of the rain and Regulus peered down at her. She looked sulkily up at him and through the opening in his robes Regulus bent down and lightly headbutted her to show his affection. That placated her and she started purring again as he returned to petting her.

Evan laughed and smiled broadly. "Just like it's hard not to pity you."

"Excuse me?" Regulus said haughtily. He knew Evan was teasing but he still didn't appreciate the insinuation.

"You have more of a relationship with that cat than you have had with any girl."

"That cat is Countess Cordelia to you."

"I feel like that just proved my point."

"Let me be the crazy cat lady. Except that my soul was destined for it."

"It should be a sin the way you squander away your Black family looks."

Regulus sighed and sunk deeper against the tree. He didn't know how to explain to Evan that he couldn't bring himself to care about forming any romances. Evan was too horny for his own good and never understood when Regulus tried to rationalise himself. It didn't matter if he was conventionally attractive and could probably get with plenty of people in Hogwarts, whether a relationship or something quicker and messier. It wasn't a reflection on his classmates, it just all sounded like a lot more effort than it was worth. He was too damn tired.

and they lay, forgotten - REGULUS BLACKWhere stories live. Discover now