chapter two

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It was a rumour, but a likely one

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It was a rumour, but a likely one. Sirius had heard from his cousin Andromeda, getting his part of the "elite" pureblood family gossip trail. Despite only having vague connections to Regulus Black, through Sirius and sharing classes, Thea was still shaken up by the news.

She supposed it was the reality of it, of Death Eaters being here at Hogwarts. She knew there were probably multiple but being faced with the very real speculation, put into perspective how present this war was. That Hogwarts wasn't the completely safe bubble it was made out to be.

By the time Lily and Thea had finished discussing and consoling with the boys, they were late to the dinner.

"I was starting to think you girls were not coming," Slughorn greeted them at the door, smiling at the girls. "But no matter. Come in and sit! I have made place settings for everyone."

"Oh, but I have to sit with Lily, she's my wife."

Slughorn just looked at Thea in confusion.

She shook her head, "Nevermind, I'm just joking."

Slughorn laughed politely, clearly not understanding, as he led them into the room, around a corner, so that a large circular table came into view.

As the leading role in the worries going through her brain, Thea unconsciously looked for Regulus Black. She didn't even have to search the table, because Regulus sat up straighter and her eyes trained instinctively to the movement.

Her eyes locked with his (grey like his brothers) from across the room, and though she wanted to look away, she refused to do so. She tried to somewhat stare him down, even though she couldn't really be intimidating. She had too much of a sweet demeanour.

Unlike Thea's friends, Regulus had changed quite a bit over the summer. At the end of last term, he'd been the scrawny, less remarkable looking Black. Now, he'd grown into himself, his biceps straining against his shirt as he scratched the back of his neck. His hair had also grown out more so it curled lightly, giving him a tousled look.

He was more delicate than Sirius, with sharper bone structure, and a thinner face. He was drawn with a quill while Sirius was drawn with oil pastels.

Thea couldn't deny he was beautiful. But that didn't matter if it was only the shallow surface on top.

It was a strange moment for Thea, taking him in, but also sharing her nightmare reverie through intense eye contact. She felt while they were looking at each other that he could tell what she was thinking, what she was feeling: fear and disgust.

Regulus finally looked down, staring at his plate, and surprising Thea by blushing, the faint pink clear on his pale skin. He hunched over again.

Thea looked away, as she absentmindedly walked around the table as Slughorn showed Lily to her seat. As she sat we continued around, and Thea knew what was happening. She hadn't failed to notice the empty seat beside Regulus. She wasn't surprised at her bad luck that this was where Slughorn placed her.

and they lay, forgotten - REGULUS BLACKWhere stories live. Discover now