chapter nine

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trigger warning for graphic depictions of violence

Thea quickly turned around in her bed and squeezed her eyes shut as the other girls came into the room

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Thea quickly turned around in her bed and squeezed her eyes shut as the other girls came into the room. The orphanage had been refurbished in the last year but her bed frame was still loud enough to creak as she shifted.

"Oh, Dorothea." One girl sang dragging out the vowels and the others giggled.

"Is she asleep?"

"Let's find out."

Thea kept her eyes shut as they crowded around her bed. Somebody reached out and yanked harshly at her hair but Thea remained still and didn't whimper out. Matron had told her that reacting only gave them power so she tried her best to ignore them.

"Come on, Dorothea. We know you're awake." Another tug and Thea felt it in her skull.

"If you want to sleep so badly maybe we should tuck you in."

Then there were bodies on top of her as they covered her head with the duvet and held her down. Thea finally opened her eyes and all she could see was darkness. Her head was being pushed down and she was feeling more and more like she couldn't breathe. She started struggling, begging to be let free. The girls laughed and pinned her down harder so she couldn't move her body at all.

Rationally Thea knew they'd stop soon enough and she'd be fine, but an instinctive part of her was panicking at being trapped and enclosed, the duvet suffocating around her in the pitch black. She sucked her own breath in and out again, the heat of it making her sick. The panic rose in her as she tried to find some way to escape. Just when she thought she'd break, her emotions overpowering her, there was a loud bang.

The girls started screaming and got to their feet, releasing Thea. Thea emerged from her duvet and she was horrified at the scene in front of her. The girls were crying and shouting for Matron, as trickles of blood ran down their bodies: from their arms, their faces, their legs. Thea blinked at the light and saw the multiple tiny pieces of glass embedded in their skin.

The source was quick to find: the glass in the window above her bed had erupted all over the room. Thea just starred as Matron burst into the room and went into action bustling the hysteric girls out the room before treading carefully to get to shell-shocked Thea. Matron lifted her out of bed and, as she was taken away with the others, Thea looked back at the window.

It had perfectly combusted without a single snag of glass left on the frame. It was impossible yet somehow Thea knew it was her fault.

⋆ ⋆ ⋆

There was a long second of silence before the panic set in. All around The Three Broomsticks people were screaming, running, pulling out their wands, stepping into action or freezing in shock.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2021 ⏰

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