Chapter 12: King.

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A/N: First thing you should know: I created a Spotify playlist for this fic and the link is available on the message board. Second thing: there's a new kink I'm introducing in this chapter. Is it hot? Yes. Will you be traumatized? Perhaps. No disclaimers though because I think it's important to understand how a real dominant should behave with this kink.

Don't be afraid, daddy Charlie's been training for this. Just hold my damn hand, and let it happen, okay? Lights, camera...ACTION...

Jeffrey sat across the table from you looking over his menu as you did the same. It had been a couple of days since you moved into your own place so you wanted to take him out for a nice lunch to thank him for the generosity of letting you crash on his couch for much longer than you intended.

"Hmmm... shall I get the steak... or the lobster?" he scanned the menu like the diva he was. "Ah... surf and turf. Perfect." he said, looking up at you and cocking his brow mischievously.

You shrugged in agreement. "Like I said, whatever you greedy little bitch." you both chuckled and placed your orders with the waiter.

"So...are you getting settled in the new palace?" he asked, sipping on his water.

"Yeah, I mean, it's still pretty empty. I have a new bed being delivered later today, though." you said, taking a sip of your water and chewing on the straw. Charlie had insisted you sleep at his place until the bed arrived.

"Well aren't you fancy! Are you in, like, so much credit card debit now?" He asked, gaze moving to people-watch out the window.

"Ummm... Charlie actually bought it." You said, feeling a bit shameful. "But I'm going to pay him back as soon as I can. One hundred percent." you quickly added.

Jeffrey's eyes snapped back to you, looking surprised. "Charlie bought you a bed? You guys went furniture shopping together??" He leaned back in his chair, giving you a puzzled look. "When's the wedding?"

"It's not a big deal, don't make it into one." you held up your hand to stop him. "It's just a loan."

He nodded. "Sure. Yeah... sounds good." He paused briefly then continued. "So are you allowed to fuck other people on Charlie's new bed or...? How does that work?" he asked, sarcastically.

You rolled your eyes at him. "OH MY GOD. It's not his bed... it's my bed." Your heart rate started to pick up feeling overly defensive of your actions. "He can't tell me what to do, or not do, in it..."

"Mmk." Jeffrey replied, clearly seeing how you were getting worked up so he changed the subject. "I have to say, when I opened my front door and saw him standing in front of me all... tall and dark...", his eyes rolled to the back of head. "... I practically came right then and there." he laughed.

You smirked, feeling your blood pressure lower back down to normal. Charlie was a sight to behold, especially if you weren't expecting him. You remembered walking in on him in the dressing room and how it made your stomach flip seeing him standing there, half naked. Of course, you'd seen plenty of him before that night but there was something about Charlie, something so striking that would stop your heart every time you laid eyes on him.

Your mind wandered to other moments of that crazy night.

"Hey, did you tell David about Charlie and I?" you asked, recalling how one of your castmates heard from someone named 'David' that you call Charlie "daddy".

Jeffrey narrowed his eyes. "Well, yeah. We do live together and tell each other most things. But I told him not to tell anyone." he cocked his head to the side. "Why?"

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