22| A cursed family of Greek Gods

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I just couldn't stop thinking about Ross's past. I wasn't mad at him. I had no reason to be when he didn't do that to me. "I just can't believe you did that! Hide our relationship! Why would we do that. I mean I know they said to do it. But it's not like they gonna fire us at this point." he protest at me when I reached the car after school and has been the first thing he said to me since after that interview.

"You think I want to hide this. What was I suppose to do? Go against Kev and Heath's word." this was literally the worst thing ever. Fight against him on something. I wanted to be on his side.

"I just......I just don't wanna hide to the world that you are mine." he says and caresses my cheek as I close my eyes to the feel.

"I'm sorry. We'll just have a conversation with them about this alright? It's ruining us and I don't want that."

"Then you're still spending the weekend at my place?"

"I have one more question to you about your past." I admit, cuz this just has been bugging me.


"Are you virgin?" I blurt a bit shy to ask such a question.

"Why would you wanna know that?" he protest.

"Are you?" I look in his eyes.

"I....I'm....I'm not." he says.

"Ow, uh....I was expecting you to say yes though, so I have one more question." I still shy.

"Go ahead." he sights.

"Do you have any urge to..to do it?" I almost like mumble.

"Not now...." he requires.

"No, I don't mean now, I mean....if you have any urge to do it recently?" I mumble.

"It's not like I miss doing it with other girl, I have you by side so..."

"Do you want to it with me? Or have you thought about it?" I blurt again, cuz this was the real question.

"Of course I thought about it..... But we're only doing it when you are ready Laura. I'll wait for you, forever if needed." he states.


"Of course."

"So you didn't meant anything like that when you said I'd go spend the weekend at your house, right?"

"Not really." he clears.

"Oh, thank God. Cuz it's just I was so scared you wanted to do something I wasn't ready to..." I breathe.

"You're crazy." he says as he parks in front of my house.

"So, yes I'll spend the weekend at your place. And even though nothing is going to happen, I'm sleeping next to you!" I say.

"Ow, I see what you doing. So, you just wanna tease me, leave weak hah?" he says in kind of a mocking tone.

"You bet." I say and kiss him hungrily. I look at my house and then back at him. "You wanna come in? We'd be alone..." I smirk and he just turns and gets out of the car as I follow behind laughing. I open the door and led him in then closing it. I place down my things as he just looks around and I push his hand to my room.

As we get there, he closes the door and I smile and approach him.

"So, what do you wanna do?" I ask smirking and taking of my jacket to leave my crop top. Yes, crop top....I'm always wearing them. They are cute..... And my wardrobe consisted in them.

"I want you to stop testing me, but it's your house, your rules so.... What do YOU wanna do?"

"Oh just shut up." I say and crash our lips together. He places his hands in the bare skin of my lower back and belly. I, with my eyes always shut, place my hands on his neck letting them run up and down his fair locks.

*Editing* Hating on my Co-Star (Raura Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now