Hermione just blinked.

Narcissa Malfoy was...apologizing to her?

"That being said, I will not stand by silently as my son is condemned to Azkaban for his crimes," she leaned forward her voice growing dark. "You and I both know that what has happened here is nothing in comparison to what could have happened if my son had not spoken for you from the first."

It was the truth and both of them knew it.

Narcissa paused and Hermione felt a chill run down her spine. 

This woman was committed, convicted and unwavering in her drive to protect her son. Hermione had no doubt in her mind that Narcissa would do whatever was necessary to protect Draco.

Including making a deal with a 'Mudblood', thought Hermione darkly.

"I know," Hermione managed. She thought many times about-what it would have been like for her if Draco hadn't spoken up on her behalf. She would be dead or Greyback's plaything. It wasn't something she wanted to think about and yet, her mind often went to the horror of what could have been when her mind and heart were at war about Draco. 

Or...when he was being an ass and she had to remind herself that he wasn't actively trying to be.

"Good," Narcissa nodded. "So you are aware," her chin lifted. "They said you were bright," she pursed her lips as of the half-handed compliment were sour on her tongue. "I want to make a deal. Are you listening?"



Narcissa shifted her back straightening as if she were a lawyer preparing to give a final statement.

"If the Dark Lord wins the first thing that will happen is Lucius will insist on the Bind being removed and we both know what that means for you."

"I'd need to die for it to be broken."

"Yes, I presume you would prefer to not have that happen."

Hermione nodded.

"Good. Then my deal is simple. If the Dark Lord wins I will ensure your safe passage, a new life and new face somewhere far from here." Narcissa paused letting her words sink in. "If Mr. Potter and his friends somehow manage to win...you will promise me not to speak of what Draco has done here beyond the undeniable night of that photograph and you will emphasize in whatever manner you wish the undeniable fact that your fate would have been worse without his intercession on your behalf." 

Hermione paused to process the offer.

"So...if you win I can live, if we win, Draco lives," she reiterated the offer in its simplest form.

"That is all I am asking for, the promise of a life for a life." 

Despite Narcissa's aloof tone it was quite obvious to Hermione just how much Draco's mother wished to ensure her son's future regardless of the outcome of the war and was smart enough to know that there might be a time where Hermione's testimony would play a leading roll in the outcome.

Hermione was impressed with Narcissa's forethought on the matter.

"I agree," Hermione answered firmly and without waver.

Narcissa seemed surprised at her agreeing so readily.

"Your word Ms. Granger. I have no one I can trust to perform an unbreakable bond, but I want your word."

"You have my word Mrs. Malfoy," said Hermione. "And I have yours?"

Narcissa lifted her chin.

"You have my word." 

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