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Charlee looked up as Sami walked in. He looked pale. "Babe? What happened?" She asked.

"It doesn't matter. I'm just glad to see you," he said as he climbed into bed next to her and kissed her. "I love you."

"I know. I love you too."

The two of them kissed again. Sami turned it heated. Charlee felt his hand run up her thigh. She grinned. "What's brought this on?"

Sami smirked. "I just want you. Okay?"


The next morning, Charlee walked into the living room and saw Kenzie. She was sitting on the sofa. "I think Warren has done something. He came back. And he had blood on him."

Charlee frowned. "That's weird. Sami came back too. He was pale. And we were having sex till 5. And now he's passed out asleep."

"Warren didn't even get me into bed. We did it right here. I haven't moved all night. I'm so sore," Kenzie said as she handed her sister the cup of coffee she hadn't touched.

Charlee downed it and sighed. "I feel so rotten. I don't know what's up with me. Sami said he wanted us to try for a baby. But now he's acting like this, I'm worried he's done something."

Kenzie took her hand and smiled. "Whatever it is, we can handle it. Both our guys are keeping stuff from us. And I'll get it out of Foxy. Just watch."

Charlee went into the village. She needed to leave the pub before she went insane. She saw Sami and Warren who were walking off. They looked to be talking heatedly about something. Charlee didn't like it.

Kenzie pulled her to one side. "Dad didn't come home at all last night. I overheard Tony talking that he saw him with Warren. So I don't know what happened."

"Do you think Warren did something? Do you think Sami did something?" She asked.

"I don't know. But I will find out. I promise."

Charlee went to find Sami. She eventually saw him sitting in the folly. "Okay. Come on. What's going on with. You? Because I don't know about you, but I feel like you're hiding something from me."

"You don't want to know."

Charlee frowned. "Look. My father didn't come home last night. Warren was weird too. So what the hell is going on?" She asked.

Sami shook his head. He stood up. "I'm not going to tell you. I can't."

Sami went to find Warren. He stormed into the club. "I can't do this. I can't keep this from Charlee. I want to tell her what we did."

"And just what did you two do?"

Both men turned to see the two sister's standing there. Warren glared at Sami. "Well done. You just couldn't keep your mouth shut could you?"

"They both need to know. You can't deny that."

Charlee rolled her eyes. "I'm sick of this. Just tell me what's happened or I swear it's over with us Sami. And I mean it."

Warren smirked. "He won't say. Because he doesn't want to hurt you."

Charlee looked at Sami and sighed. "What's it going to be?" She asked as she took a step towards him.

Sami said nothing. But could he keep the secret knowing that he could lose Charlee?

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