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Charlee sighed as she sat in the flat. Her head was a mess over Sami. Charlee knew that they had been through so much. She had lost their baby after finding out how he was using her to get to James and she didn't know what to think. She was still in love with him and it killed her as she thought over what could of been. Charlee knew that she was still in love with him and she didn't know how he felt but she also knew how he had used her. Charlee didn't know what to think over it all. She grabbed her phone off of the side and smiled as she sent sami a text. She wanted to talk to him even though she didn't know what she was going to say to him. Part of her was still scared to be hurt by him especially after everything that had happened between them

Janes walked into the room and looked to her and smiled "you okay?" "I guess" she said as he looked to her and smiled "I know that you still have feelings for sami Charlee, but he is bad news. I know that you have been through so much but remember how you started and How he was using you to get to me. I still blame l myself for it and the last thing I want is for you to be hurt by him especially by him. You have been through so much. You have lost your baby and I saw how it broke a part of you. I'm your big brother and I am here for you and the last thing I want is for him to end up breaking your heart" James said as Charlee looked to him and smiled. She knew he was looking out for her but she had no idea what to do


Charlee got to the dog and walked into the flat as kenzie and mac were arguing. She looked to them and frowned as mac walked off and asked over to kenzie "kenz? Are you okay" "I hate him I really do I don't care if he is out father I hate him he is a monster" kenzie said as Charlee smiled "what happened" "he's interfering with me and warren" she said as Charlee smiled "I know what he's like trust me but leave him. It's not worth arguing with him. Just be with warren and be happy. You deserve that" Charlee said as kenzie looked to her and smiled


Charlee walked through the village and sighed to herself as she saw sami. She looked to high for a moment and sighed as she went to walk off. He saw her and ran after her and smiled "don't run away from me I want to talk" he said "about what" "you know what about us, we have been through so much and I want to try again for real. I still have feelings for you" sami said as Charlee looked to him and frowned. She didn't know what to say or what to think over it all. Her head was a complete mess

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