Alex's eyebrows furrowed slightly as he thought to himself. "Oh..about someone?" Once Reggie heard this he got the same sinking feeling in his stomach before when he saw Luke smirk, and embrace Julie close to him. They made him feel this way but why? He didn't answer so Alex then said, "About Julie?"

Reggie's mind finally started to put the pieces together, he started to realize that what he was feeling wasn't about the was about the boy. His eyes widened slightly as he figured it out.

His bestfriend

His bandmate

His crush..


He can't lie that he hasn't felt something towards the boy before, but for some reason they are now coming to life...oh god, why, why now? He has Julie..not him

"No, not her." He spoke quietly, if he couldn't believe his feelings who could..

Alex nodded to his words and gently put one hand on Reggie's shoulder. "Is it about him?" He said, obviously referring to Luke. Reggie nodded slowly, and then felt a tear go down his cheek. Alex hugged him for comfort. He could feel his friend leaning on him while crying even more than before. Reggie felt a massive weight of guilt on him, like it was his fault for feeling this way about Luke..Julie was practically family..would he hate him if she found out? He secretly knew he was bi for awhile now so that wasn't a surprise, was he jealous, was that what he was feeling? He didn't like that feeling. at all.

After most of his tear were gone, he got out of the hug and stared at Alex.

"please, don't tell will ruin everything for them."

"What about you, Reggie? Think about yourself for a second..your feelings are valid, trust me."

He rubbed his face. "Yeah, I know. I'm fine, I promise..just don't say anything."

Alex let out a sigh and nodded. Reggie knew deep down he wasn't okay. Now that he knew why he was feeling this way it was going to be even harder to hide how he felt about the shaggy haired male.

Reggie made sure he didn't look like he was crying, then poofed back inside with Alex. They both sat in their original spots. Julie and Luke glanced at the two.

"Everything okay?" Julie said,

"uh ye-"

Alex was cut off by Reggie, who was too scared that Alex would tell his secret. "Yeah, everything is good!" He didn't know what he would do if the truth came out. Their conversations continued on, and Luke kept flirting with Julie like he usually did..and it hurt. It hurt really bad.

Two days had passed and Reggie started avoiding Luke, he didn't want to get alone with him and do something stupid that we would regret. The only time he saw Luke now was at practice. Usually they would sing together into one mic, but Reggie avoided it as much as he could. Of course Luke was realizing this so, he decided to make Reggie talk to him. He was alone in the studio playing his bass, humming a country song to himself. That's when out of nowhere Luke poofed in and tackled him. Not one that would actually hurt him, just a play-wrestle one.

"Luke! Get off of me!"

"No, not until you tell me why you haven't been talking to me."

Reggie took a deep breath. Sadly, he knew that it was going to come to this.

"I-I don't think I can tell you." He stated softly.

"Come on, Reg. I'm your bestfriend, you can tell me anything." Luke's eyes were plastered in worry because he thought he did something wrong.




"I like you, in a more than friend way."

Reggie finally let it out, it felt so good to, but his mind started to spiral when he realized Luke hadn't said anything back yet. He was just staring at Reggie with wide eyes. Finally he let himself of Reggie, so he could get up. Once he did say something it shocked Reggie.

"I used to have a crush on you."

"You did?"

"Yeah, back in '95..I thought you were really cute."

Reggie blushed a little at this, Luke looked down, feeling embarrassed as he finally admitted this.

"I didn't want to tell you, you have a good thing going on with Julie, just forget what I said."

Luke frowned, but it was true he did like Julie, but did he also like Reggie?


he does, he always has, but it took this conversation to realize he never got over his crush for him. What was he going to do now..

"Are you sure..?"

"Yes. Positive. Julie's my friend, friends don't do that to eachother..besides you don't like me back anyways."

Luke quickly pecked Reggie on the cheek, and said.

"I don't understand my feelings."

Reggie's face heated up, and he felt his cheek with his hands. He quickly looked up at Luke who's face was glued, staring at the ground. He wanted him to do that for so long, even if he didn't know it.

Why did he do that? He likes Julie. 

She would be devastated..

"Look, Luke I really, really like you but-"

"Julie, I know. I really like her..and you. I'm sorry I made things more confusing."

And with that, Luke poofed out of the studio. Reggie was left with his rambling thoughts, and guilt for secretly being happy that he did it.






now that my excitement is out of the way lemme know if you guys want a part 2 to this story, or even if you have suggestions on how it should go.

As always, regular request in comments, or even dms are welcomed :)


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