Goat's Festival

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"Manberg!? What the hell!?"

Tommy growled, crossing his arms. Techno shrugged. "That's what he named it." Wilbur shook his head. "He tore down the walls too." Tommy sighed, letting his arms fall. "I swear. If that man was my kid, he'd be grounded for life."

Techno raised an eyebrow at Tommy for a moment, but let it drop quickly. Tommy rubbed his arms as the cold got to him. Wilbur grabbed his shoulder. "Are you cold?" Tommy looked up at him before glancing at Techno, who stared back.

Tommy looked down at Techno's gown. He went to reach out to Techno, but was interrupted by a voice. The three turned around to see Tubbo, Schlatt's new right hand man and Pogtopia's spy.

Tubbo smiled nervously. "Hey." Tommy pushed past Techno and ran up to Tubbo. "Tubbo! Any news?" Tubbo raised his hand from behind his back, holding out a piece of paper. Tommy looked down at it with furrowed eyebrows.

Wilbur and Techno walked over. Wilbur grabbed Tommy's shoulder. "What is it?" Tommy took the paper from Tubbo, reading it aloud.

"You are invited to Manberg's Festival. Hosted by president Jschlatt and Tubbo." Tommy let the paper drop, looking up at Wilbur. "It says we aren't allowed in." Wilbur grabbed the paper.

"Everyone is invited except for Wilbur Soot and Tommy." Techno looked over Wilbur's shoulder at the paper. "I guess I'm allowed." Tubbo nodded. Wilbur and Tommy shared a look for a moment. Wilbur sighed, handing Techno the paper.

He walked towards the stairs. "Tommy, follow me." Tommy swallowed, feeling cold, before following Wilbur up the stairs, leaving Tubbo and Techno at the bottom of the ravine to think. Once Tommy got to the top with Wilbur, Wilbur sighed.


"Let's be the bad guys."


Wilbur climbed around the dirt, franticly searching. "Where's the fucking button?" Tommy grabbed the back of Wilbur's coat. "Wilbur, we can't blow up L'manberg! Tubbo and Techno are still-"

Tommy stopped talking as his earpiece started picking up a signal. Techno was talking on the other side. "Tommy, Wilbur, Schlatt's incased Tubbo in cement and is calling me on stage, get over here!"

Tommy gripped Wilbur's coat, yanking him to his feet. "Come on!" Wilbur attempted to put up a fight, but Tommy was already pulling him away.

The two climbed up onto a nearby building next to the stage just in time to see Techno pointing his bow at Tubbo, who was in fact surrounded by yellow cement. Tommy widened his eyes. He pressed his ear. "Techno! What's happening!?"

Techno glanced back at him nervously. He slowly looked back at Tubbo as the crowd stared on anxiously. He raised his bow. Schlatt and Quackity stood on each side of Techno, both staring at this scene in front of them with great interest. Techno sighed. The bow clicked.

"Tubbo, I'm sorry."

Tommy gasped as fireworks were shot, covering the stage in a red, blue, and white mist. Schlatt and Quackity were pushed off the stage, landing to the grass below. The crowd was screaming in shock as the smoke started to clear.

Tubbo lay in the box, unconscious. Tommy widened his eyes. "NO!" Tommy grabbed an ender pearl and quickly threw it. He could feel Wilbur's hand try and grasp his coat just before He teleported. He landed behind Techno just as Techno was turning around and starting to unload into the crowd.

Tommy jumped over the fence and into the box, sliding to his knees next to his friend. He could hear the sounds of screams and explosions, but all he focused on was Tubbo. Tommy held his friend in his lap. "Tubbo! Tubbo, please wake up!"

Tubbo slowly opened his eyes, looking up at Tommy. He smiled. "Tommy." Tommy swallowed as tears flowed from his eyes and his throat closed. He fought against it. "Tubbo!" he croaked. "Tubbo, listen to me, it's gonna be okay. You're gonna be okay, okay? I'll take you home to Phil and he'll heal you right up, okay?"

Tubbo nodded, resting his head against Tommy's side. Tommy pulled him up into a seat. "Come on, Tubbo, we need to leave. We aren't welcome here anymore." Tommy stood up, pulling Tubbo to his feet. Tubbo staggered on his legs a moment, but kept his balance.

Tommy helped him out of the box and onto the stage. Everyone was scattered about, trying to pick up their items. Tommy noticed Techno was gone. He pressed his earpiece. "Wil? Wil, where are you?"

His earpiece crackled a moment before Wilbur's voice came through, "I'm running to Pogtopia with Niki. Get over here quick." Tommy agreed, helping Tubbo off of the stage and towards the dock. "Let's hurry, it's not that far."

He heard Schlatt's growl off in the distance. "THAT SWINE RUINED IT!" Tommy pushed past Bad, muttering an apology before trudging on. For once Bad said nothing to him. Tommy gripped Tubbo's shoulder. "That swine will pay for this."


Tommy gasped for breath as blood started to roll down his chin. Techno crouched down next to Tommy, leaning towards him. "It stays in the pit, Tommy, okay?" Tommy swallowed, closing his eyes and nodding.

"It will always stay in the pit."


Tommy stared at his dark ceiling as he tried to fall asleep. He could hear the tv in the living room and Techno cheering along to whatever he was deciding to watch. Footsteps above Tommy told him Wilbur was still awake.

Tommy could hear Phil tell Techno to calm down before the tv turned off. "How's Tubbo doing?" Tommy could hear Techno ask. A few beats passed before Phil answered. "He's okay, just a little shaken up from the experience."

A few more seconds passed. "You shouldn't have shot him, Techno." Techno sighed. "Phil, what was I supposed to do? I was being pressured, and I'm sure Tommy's going to be upset at me for a long time for this, so I don't need you on my ass too."

Phil sighed. "I know. Just, make sure it doesn't happen again, okay? You don't have siblings to hurt them. You are supposed to love each other." Techno didn't respond, but Phil started to walk away, so Tommy guessed he had nodded.

Tommy gripped his sheets. "If your family really loved you, the wouldn't hurt you like this." Tommy's mind went to Wilbur and Fundy. Tommy smiled. Tommy was glad his dad was there for him. Phil was always there for him.


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