The Truth

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"We're gonna win this, Tommy, trust me."

"Oh I know, Wilbur, I know."


Tommy was thrown back and out of the way of a flaming arrow by Techno, who fired a firework up at Dream in the tower. Wilbur picked Tommy up. "Come on! We need to get up there!"

Fundy pointed at the tower. "I think I see Schlatt!" Wilbur shot Fundy an annoyed glare, but wouldn't dare say something in the midst of battle. Tommy jumped up and ran to the tower, running inside and jumping on a ladder.

Everyone else stormed in and up with him. They all the top, but Dream and Schlatt were no where to be seen. Techno's yell came from the other side. "THEY JUMPED DOWN!" Tommy swung around, running to the other side of the tower.

Dream, Sapnap, Ponk were all running towards the stage, shooting arrows behind them. Tommy pointed at them. "GET THEM!" Everyone jumped from the tower, Techno's fireworks exploding in front of them.

Tommy ran in front, keeping his eyes on Dream. "AAAAHHHHH!"
Tubbo laughed next to him, pumping his sword in the air. "FUCK YEAH!" Everyone looked over at Wilbur as he inhaled. Wilbur threw his head forward.



Tommy exhaled, stepping back to avoid Sapnap's swinging axe. Sapnap had a pained look in his eyes as he watched Tommy sweat from heat. Tommy looked over to see Dream standing atop the nearby mountain.


Sapnap perked up, looking towards Dream. Tommy playfully grabbed Sapnap's axe, twirling it around. Sapnap smirked at him as they walked over to her what Dream had to say.

Dream seemed to only stare down at Wilbur and Tommy, who were in the front. "I can't keep doing this," he started. "You guys, it's- you..." Everyone watched patiently as Dream tried to pick the right words.

Finally he sighed. "Just follow me." Dream pushed to the back of the crowd, leading the way towards the Hot Dog Van. Tommy and Wilbur shared a nervous look. Tommy thought he heard someone whisper about Schlatt.

Yeah. Where was Schlatt? Just as that thought rose to the top of his mind, and he started to close into the hot dog van, he started getting warm. Dream slowly cracked open the door to the van.

Tommy shoved his way in with everyone else. After getting to the front of the still crowd, he saw it. Or him. And it make him dizzy with heat.

Sitting in the middle of the crowd on the floor of the Hot Dog Van, was Schlatt. But Schlatt was crying. Everyone silently looked at Dream for words. Wilbur raised an eyebrow. "What's going on?"

Dream shrugged. "I don't know, I just found him in here like this." Tommy's eyes landed on Quackity, who seemed to be sniffing the air for any trace of alcohol, there was none to be found.

Wilbur stepped forward. "Schlatt, explain yourself." Schlatt slowly looked up at Wilbur, eyes mixed with anger and... guilt? Wilbur seemed to falter under his glare.

Schlatt's gaze traveled to Tommy. His eyes widened. "Tommy." Everyone glanced at Tommy, trying not to move or make noise. Even Quackity, who was normally very vocal, stayed quiet.

Tommy swallowed. Wilbur stared back at his right hand man, his vice president, his brother. Tommy took a step forward to Wilbur's side. "Schlatt, what do you have to say for yourself?"

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