Pet War

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Tommy watched from behind a mound of dirt as Schlatt picked away at the cobblestone white house. Quackity whipped him around by his shoulder. "Stop! I made that with my own two hands, you can't just tear it down!"

Schlatt glared down at him. "Yes I can." He snarled. Tommy wasn't going to lie, it sent a jolt down his spine. Quackity seemed to get startled by it as well, because he stepped back. Schlatt turned back to the white house.

His hand gripped the pickaxe, but he hesitated as he raised it over his head. Quackity watched him with weary eyes. "Schlatt?" Schlatt whipped around, tears in his eyes and a hitch in his voice.

"WHAT ARE YOU GONNA DO, CRY ABOUT IT?" Tommy widened his eyes in shock. Quackity did the complete opposite, he glared at Schlatt with a snarl. "You fucking bastard."

Schlatt turned back around, angrily mining the cobblestone. Tommy watched with wide eyes as Quackity pulled out his bow. An arrow appeared from his pocket and he was loading his bow.

It happened too fast for Tommy to do anything. Suddenly Schlatt was kneeling over, holding his chest as an arrow slowly clattered to the grass below him. Quackity growled, throwing down his bow. Schlatt slowly looked up at him, tears rolling of his face. He wasn't smiling, like he usually would on the brink of death. In fact, he was practically pleading with Quackity with his eyes.

Quackity swallowed before starting to walk over to the woods, towards Pogtopia, towards Tommy. Tommy took once last shocked glance at the situation in front of him before turning around and running into the woods.

jschlatt was shot by Quackity


"I wanna help take down Jschlatt."

"You're in."


Tommy watched the waves wash onto the shore gently. The stars and moon reflecting off of the water like a father's soft kiss. Tommy looked up at Sapnap. "Are you ready?"

Sapnap slowly looked back at him. A single tear rolled off his cheek. "Tommy." Tommy could feel Henry push him with his nose. He nudged Tommy with his hoof. Tommy looked up at his cow.

The cow he thought Sapnap had killed. The cow he thought would never be in his arms again. Here he was. Henry seemed to smile at him. Tommy touched Henry's nose. Sapnap had single-handedly saved Henrey.

After Henry fell Sapnap took him home and healed him. Tommy was shocked when Sapnap told him. But so so happy. And... sorry.

Tommy looked back at Sapnap. "Sapnap, you have to do this." Sapnap looked down at the water bucket in his hands. Mars stared up at him innocently. Tommy hated it. The look was laced with poison. And made Tommy feel so guilty.

Sapnap nodded. He slid down to his knees. "Oh god..." Another tear as a small pained smile slithered on his face. "Haha, oh this hurts." Tommy crouched down, grabbing Sapnap's shoulder.

Sapnap looked up at him with a smile. "Thanks, relation." Tommy thought briefly about Sapnap's choice of words, but Sapnap was already looking away. Tommy would have to look up examples of that word later.

Sapnap sighed. He slowly dumped the bucket's contents into the ocean. Tommy and Sapnap both watched in silent awe as Mars slowly swam away, giving them one last unsure look before racing off.

Sapnap sniffed, wiping a tear from his eye. "Oh fuck, haha. That felt... terrible." Tommy smiled. "It'll get better, big man." Sapnap smiled up at him. Tommy helped him to his feet. Sapnap sighed.

"Thanks Tommy. You have just been such a good friend and I- I really am in debt to you." Tommy smiled before quickly waving a hand in dismissal. "Oh shush, you don't have to give me anything, your friendship and Henry back is enough."

Sapnap laughed. Tommy pulled him into a hug. "I love you, Sapnap, like a... a..." Tommy stumbled over his speech as he started to heat up. A headache forming in his temples. He felt dry and out of breath. Sapnap giggled, half to himself.

"Like a brother?" Tommy pulled away, faking a smile. "Uh, yeah. That." Sapnap smiled. He hit Tommy's arm playfully. "Hey, just know, that no matter what happens tomorrow, we'll always be friends." Tommy smiled, but it slowly faded as he remembered.

"Oh my god, the war!" Sapnap widened his eyes. "Wait, you forgot?" Tommy smiled nervously, being flooded with more heat as Sapnap stared at him. "Yeah, guess I've just been busy."

Sapnap raised his eyebrows. "And having a heart attack. You alright? You're sweating a lot." Tommy exhaled slowly, the sharp smell of toast hitting his nostrils. "Uh yeah, I just need to go home and rest, probably."

Tommy turned around, gripping Henry's leash. Sapnap nodded, waving slowly. "Okay, bye." Tommy waved, jogging away. "Yup, bye, see you!" Sapnap smiled as Tommy disappeared out of view.


Tommy sighed, shifting against Henry. Tommy and Henry layed on the floor together. He stared up at his ceiling as the sound of footsteps started up again, Wilbur getting ready for bed. Henry was asleep, and Tommy was quite tired himself.

But the upcoming war scared him. What was going to happen? Would Wilbur becomes president again, or would Schlatt continue his rein of terror?

Since this whole thing started Pogtopia had gained quite a few members. They now had Fundy, Niki, Bad, and many others. It was a little scary. But Tommy couldn't forget that Dream had many good people on his side as well.

Tommy shivered, alerting Henry, who was quick to lick the back of his head. Tommy pet his back comfortingly. "Thanks, Henry." Tommy had no idea why, but everytime he said Henry's name it felt familiar...

Tommy rolled over, closing his eyes. With a sigh he leaned back against Henry. It didn't take long for Tommy to find sleep take him.

I watched Markiplier, Wayneradiotv, multiple animatics, and a few Warrior Cat things while writing this one lol.

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